Chapter four

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Sjin P.O.V

I awoke in a chair, in the common room. My head was pounding and my world was spinning. l glanced around the room, most of the Yogs where asleep. The only Yog I didn't see was Layla! 'Where's Layla?' I asked myself. I thought were she might be. But as I did something Sips said to me last night came back. What he said after Simon dragged Layla away.

--last night--

I watched as Simon pulled Layla away. She was small and couldn't defend herself. I smiled and turned back to Sips and Duncan, Sips grinned at me. "Looks like someone has the hots for ol' Sjinny boy!" I felt my cheeks burn. "What are you talking about?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "Layla! It's obvious that she likes you!" I turn to look at her and she's hidden under the table with Kim. Both of them with they're hoods up. "Fluffy! Mandrew!" Simon called. She saw me looking at her and waved. I smiled and waved back.

--present day--

I got up and went to look for her. I walked past all the offices and stopped at mine. I went inside and grabbed a camera, because filming after a Yogscast party is always funny! I walked to Layla's office and knocked on the door. No answer. I pressed the record button and opened the door. She was curled up in her onsie on her chair. I chuckled from behind the camera. "Layla!...Layla!" I called quietly. She stirred slightly but didn't wake. I shook her lightly. She groaned and opened her eyes. She looked up at me, her blue eyes sparkling. She spotted the camera. "Sjin? Are you filming me?" She asked. I laughed and she narrowed her eyes. "Sjin! Turn it off!" I shook my head. "No!" She jumped out of her chair. "Sjin! Turn. It. Off! Now!"




"PAUL!" She shouted my name. I laughed and ran out the room.
Layla P.O.V

Sjin ran out of my room. I growled and ran after him. "Sjin!!" I yelled. I heard his laugh down the hall. I chased after him catching up to him in seconds. I try to grab him but he runs a little faster. And he's still recording! How!? I pick up speed and pounce on him. He yelled as i dragged him down. Suddenly i land on the floor and feel an unbearable pain shoot through my wrist. I tumble, yelp and hit my head off the wall. Knocking myself unconscious.
Sjin P.O.V

Layla pounced on my back making me fall onto the floor. I dropped my camera and heard her yelp then a bug thud! I look up and see her on the floor unconscious. I run over and pick her up. Her wrist is bleeding. I ran to the common room with her limp body in my arms. I burst through the door and everyone jolts up. "What's up with Layla?" Kim asked. "She's unconscious!" I blurted. Lewis and Simon ran over. "How?!" Lewis asked. I told them about the while situation that unraveled before. "You videoed her? Why!?" Simon asked. "I thought it be funny! I didn't think that this might happen!" I looked at Layla who was breathing lightly. I felt a pang of guilt hit me like a ton of bricks. This was my fault. "C'mon! We need to get her to the hospital!" Lewis said heading for the exit. I nod and follow, Layla still in my arms. We go in his car, I sit in the back with Layla. I look down at her. She seems so peaceful. I just hope she can forgive me.

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