Chapter 26

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Layla P.O.V

I was floating in darkness. Or water. It felt strange. I couldn't move, or talk or feel anything. I just lay there motionless. Lost in my own thoughts.

I've been floating for a while now. In oblivion. Going nowhere but heading somewhere.

But suddenly I'm falling, the darkness turning into a blinding light. I feel my heart rate increase and I force my eyes to open.

I see a room and people dressed in white standing over me. One of them was smiling. "And she's awake. Hello miss Hart and welcome back." Was he talking to me?

I try to sit up but a nurse runs over to me and stops me. "Careful Miss you could hurt yourself more." She says, helping me sit up straight. I look around the room confused. "Where am i?" I ask.

The doctor smiled. "Hospital dear, you had a nasty fall at work and hit your head of the floor in your office." He tells me.

I squint my eyes in confusion. "Office? I don't work in an office. I work from home! Where's my boyfriend!?" I say frantically. The doctor nods at a nurse who goes outsdie and I hear her say, "you can see her now."

Suddenly a man ran in. I knew this man. He was.... Yogscast Sjin! But, why was he here?

"Layla!" He cried, running to me. Causing me to back away in my bed, he stopped and looked at me then the doctors worried.

"He's not my boyfriend." I tell the doctors. They all look at me worried now. "Then, who is?" They ask me.

I smile as i think of him. "Liam? Liam McKay?"

Sjin P.O.V

She didn't know me....... How!?

My heart fell to the floor when she said Nilesy's name. She couldn't be serious.

Layla looked at the doctors with an innocent smile and a hopeful look in her eyes. One of the nurses pulled me outside.

"Whats going on? Why doesn't we remember me?" I ask feeling very worried. She sighs. "I'm sorry sir but your girlfriend ha suffered worse head injuries then we thought. She has some memory loss. I'm sorry."

I sigh sadly and wipe the tears away from my eyes. "Okay, thank you." She smiled supportively and left.

Once she'd gone I pulled out my phone and dialer a specific number.

After three rings a very noticable Scottish accent answered.


"Liam. You have a lot of explaining to do."


Um hi?

Like the new cover?

The Yog I love (yogscast/hat films)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora