Chapter nine

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Ross P.O.V
Nearly a month later....

Layla stuck to her word. She hasn't left her brothers side. She barely eats, barely sleeps! She's as white as a ghost. Dare I say it, she looks worse then James does. Me, the rest of Hat Films and The Yogs have had to keep our routine going. But most if not all the comments on are videos are asking where Layla is. Heck! Some fans have even sent videos to us asking where she is! But we don't know what to tell them. They were all looking forward to seeing her in the live stream. While we all record we have to try and keep ourselves happy, but sometimes we can't. Every one seems shaken up. But Layla....she needs to get some rest. Because sleeping in a hospital chair for a month isn't good for your health. Minecon is in two weeks and I'm guessing that Layla isn't coming. Because no one can seem to pull her from James' side for even a minute. Every time someone goes to check on her she's either in tears or passed out in the chair from exhaustion. It kills me to see her like this. Only i don't know why. She just a friend, but I think I like her more then that. Every time I think of her my heart beats faster, and feels like it could burst out of my chest. I sat editing the next few episodes of Hat Corp when Alex walked in. "You alright mate?" He asked pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. I nod slowly, Layla still stuck in my mind. "I just can't seem to get Layla out of my mind." I say truthfully. He raised an eyebrow. "Ross Hornby! Are you in love?!" He asked in disbelief. I didn't answer. Because I didn't know. He smirked "to are aren't you?" I give a slight nod. He smiled "I knew it!" He said putting his feet up on the desk. I rolled my eyes and continued to edit. "Why don't I finish the editing and you go and see Layla. She could use a friend at the moment." He suggested. I sigh and nod. He smiles and I get up out the chair. He's right, Layla needs a friend.
Layla P.O.V

I sat asleep in the hard hospital chair. My back was aching and my dreams haunted. Every time I feel asleep I would slip into dreams about my parents or the car crash or James not making it. And every time I would wake up in tears or covered in cold sweats. But this time my sleep went on undisturbed. I sat there dozing lightly finally getting some sleep. Then I felt someone shake my shoulder and softly calling my name. "Layla? Layla?" I opened my eyes. And stared up at the person who had woken me. "Huh?" I asked drearily. I looked up at....Ross. I stretched and yawned. "Sorry I woke you." Ross apologised. I starred it him "what are you doing here?" I asked. He smiled "I came to check on you. You've been here over a month now. When was the last time you went outside?" He asked sounding rather concerned. I hung my head. I hadn't been outside since I got here. Even the doctors and nurses tried to get me to go home and get some rest. But i don't want to leave James, I made a promise. And I'm not going to break it!

James P.O.V

I feel bad for my sister. I want to wake up and give her a hug. Tell her I'm okay! But I can't. All I can do is lay here in the blackness of my mind. She really needs to go home and get some proper sleep. She can't stay here forever. I've been stuck in my head for ages now. And it's locked with a key. And all i know is she has not left my side. I hear her crying and apologising, even the doctors are begging her to go home and rest. I just hope her friends can talk her into leaving me. Even if it's just for an hour, she could use a break. All she's done us cry and talk to me. And i can't respond. Please Layla...just go for a while... you need it.

Layla P.O.V

" need to come and get some fresh air" Ross told me. He was right, but I can't leave James. "Sorry Ross. But I cant" I say tears filling my eyes. "Yes you can." A croaky voice said. I spun round and faced a now awake James. Relief rushed over me like a tidel wave. He smiled weakly. "James! Oh god! Your awake!" I ran over and embraced my brother. Tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. Suddenly a nurse came running in. Along with a doctor. They checked James over and told me that he could be out within two weeks! I couldn't stop hugging him. Then he asked the question i hoped i wouldn't have to answer. "Layla?" James asked his voice raspy. "Yeah James" I answer politely. "Where are mum and dad?" He asked. My world came crashing down. Fear hit me hard. How would he react? What would we do now mum and dad where gone? I gulped and looked up at Ross. He nodded. I took a deep breath and held James' hand. "James...mum and dad....they're.....They. ..dead." I managed to say. I hung my head. I couldn't look at his reaction. "Dead" he repeated, emotion filling his voice. I nodded. I felt his grip tighten on my hand. I looked up and saw tears falling down his cheeks. I felt tears fall down my own. "I'm sorry James....It was a drunk driver......He drove into the side of the car and you were lucky enough to come out alive with a few broken bones." I wiped away my tears. I reached over and hugged him. He gave me a reassuring squeeze. Then the doctor entered the room. "All is well on the x-ray! He just needs to have a few operations on his left leg. All he needs right now is some rest." I nod and get up from my seat. "I'll come visit when I can" I tell James. He nods and I walk out the room. Ross following. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Do you want me to take you home?" He asked. I nod slowly. We drive in silence. My memories flash back to my childhood in Ireland. Running through the fields of wheat. Baking with my mother. Helping the lambs with dad. Going horse riding with James. "Are you alright Layla?" Ross asked me. I didn't even notice the tears trickling down my cheeks. I wipe them away and nod. "I'm fine. Just memories." I tell him. He nods and pulls up outside my house. I look up at it as if I'd never seen it before. I sighed shakily but don't move. "Layla. ..are you okay?" He asked sound concerned. I shake my head. "No Ross I'm not!" I cry. "My parents are dead and my brother In hospital! We have no one now!" I sob. He wraps his arms around me. "Hey its okay. You have me and the rest of the Yogscast! So does James." I cry into his chest. He hugs me. "Shh shh" he says comfortingly. I sniff and wipe my eyes. "What do I do Ross?" I ask my voice charged with emotion. He sighs "I don't know Layla. I've never had to deal with something like this." My eyes water. "But I do know that we will all be there to help you Layla." I smile slightly. "Do you want to come in and get a drink?" I ask him. He gives me a confused glance. "I thought that you didn't drink." I sigh. "What I mean is do you want a cup of tea or coffee?" He smiled. "Sure." I sigh and get out of the car. I take out my key and unlock the door. I walk into the kitchen and switch on the kettle. Ross walked in and asked "when was the last time you got a decent nights sleep?" I winced. I hadn't had one.  Not since James went in to hospital and my parents passed. "Not since I found out my parents died." I say truthfully. I sigh and pull out two cups from the cupboard. He took the cups from my hand. "I'll make the tea and you go sit down" he tells me. I sigh and do as I'm told. I didn't usually but I had no energy to fight. I went and sat on my sofa and buried my face into my hands. I felt tears fall out of my eyes. What was i going to do? I can't send my brother to an orphanage! What kind of sister does that? "Hey! Hey! It's okay" I feel Ross wrap his arms around me. He sits next to me and hugs me close. I try not to cry as I hug him back. "Ross I have no idea what to do! I don't have anyone to turn to when I'm In doubt anymore. I don't have a reason to go back to the farm. The only family I have left is James and my Aunt Silvie" I sob.

"You have an Aunt?" he asked. I nod. "She lives a hour away from the farm. In I nice area where I used to plan to live till me and my friend Imagen moved here." I tell him. My head snapped up. "Are you suggesting that I leave James with my Aunt Silvie?" He shakes his head. "No I wasn't. Because we at yogtowers will help you and James." He smiles reassuringly. "No matter what!" I smile and dry my eyes. I hug him. "I'm glad your my friend Ross." I hear him laugh slightly. "And I'm glad your appart of Hat Films!" He says. I giggle and push him playfully. He chucked and pushed me back. Soon we got into a pushy fight and i retreated to using one of the cushions on my sofa. "Hey!" He yelled as I beat him with it. He tried to shield his face with his hands. I laughed and flopped onto the sofa. "Your an idiot!" I giggle. He laughs "I know!" This makes me laugh more. I sit up. "Wanna watch a movie? I'm to awake to sleep!" He smiles. "Sure! What do you have?"

"Finding Nemo!" I sing. He raises his eyebrow. "Finding Nemo? Really?" I pull a serious face. "You don't know the story plot do you?" He shakes his head. I sigh "well.....An expectant mother is brutally murdered and only one child survives! And sadly that poor boy is disabled. Hence the tiny fin.  But there's a twist and that only child is kidnapped from his father and taken far away! Then the father sets out to save his child with a mentally ill woman and they become best friends and save the day!" He looks at me in shock. "I'd never seen it that way...."
Well that's the story plot to Finding Nemo! Bet you didn't know that! I found that out when me and my friends were talking about story plots at school. And we discovered that! and my friend need to get a life........We really do!

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