Erina Nakiri (Food Wars)

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Y/N had gotten out shower, damped hair and water trickling down his back. He was sort of different when showering.

Y/N only toweled his face, neck, hair and that's that. Maybe it's normal, but he likes to think he's different. He had work in the morning, mellow and grey.

He'd ask his boss for extra hours, and tried to work his hardest, and tried not to overwork himself. He wanted to buy his girlfriend a yellow ring, to match her hair.

He blushed thinking of her. He wondered why him? She's the most beautiful lady he met, the top of the pyramid with status and looks.. but she chose him.

Erika Nakiri was also known for the 'Gods Tongue.' Ever since birth and she tasted many chefs cooking to see if they were ready and good enough.

Y/N doesn't know to much of the details since she doesn't talk to him about that stuff. When they started dating she was a bit mean, and shy but grew overtime.

He sighs. "I hope she'll forgive me for being super busy.." He fixed his tie, dressing himself in a well fitted suit, as it fit very snuggly.

He was the assistant manager at some fast food place. He couldn't cook and only knew the basics, so he couldn't get recommended by Erina.

Mopping and being janitor didn't fit his criteria. He wanted a simple job. It was, sort of. After a while his shift ended. He worked late, closed the restaurant and received his pay.

He smiled to himself, opening the door with the same dull clock he heard many times, and closed it shut.

He made it home, piling the enveloped pay check beside each other. "This should be enough!" He roared happily, dancing around in his feet.

He wiped his sweaty brow, opening and counting the money. He stacked them close, banging the cash on the wooden table to even their edges.

He looked at a picture, infront of him on a desk. It showed him and Erina on their first date. Soon.. he thought, promising her.

He grabbed his money, putting it in his wallet, then closed his wallet in a drawer. He got ready for bed, feeling more comfortable that night.

He woke up groggily. Thankfully he didn't work today, as it was his off day. He wiggled out of bed, dressing in a washed out shirt, and basketball shorts.

He grabbed his wallet and made it to the jewelry store, a few blocks down his house. The owner guided him through out the store.

He saw jewelry of all different colors, shinning and glittering with the light, yet not anything he was looking for.

"Excuse me, but is there any colored yellow?" Y/N asked. The man stopped, pondering for a moment. He gestured Y/N to follow him.

They made their way over to a counter. It was glass; a bit rough on the edges but clear enough. Necklaces of all sizes, some coated in small bits of silver and diamond.

One stood out immediately, as his face lit up. "That one, sir. How much?" he said, pointing eagerly to the gold-lifted necklace, covered with small shards of glittered diamond.

The owner eyed Y/N, then smiled. "For your girlfriend, kid?" The boss looked in his early forties, letting out a hoarse laughter.

Y/N blushed, "Y-Yeah." The boss combed his thin brown hair back, spraying his fingers with the heavy smell of gel.

"I remember.. I was just like you, you know? Hmm.. as a fair well gift I'll drop this off to, let's say.. 500 bucks."

Y/N was puzzled. He grabbed the amount it showed, beneath the necklace. The small sign said: "1500." Yet he was getting 1000 off? He smiled wide.

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