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"Hey, Jerry?"


"Is there still coffee left?"

"Umm, no. Sorry sweetheart, do you want me to make you some more?"

"No, it's okay! I'll just go get some. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay, be careful!"

I grabbed my bag after throwing my jacket on and headed to the nearest cafe to get coffee. While I was walking I felt my phone vibrating. I reached into my bag and pulled it out seeing that it was Gabby calling.

"Hey!" I answered. We haven't talked since this morning but I'm always excited to talk to her.

"Hi! What are you up to?" I smiled, she was the one to always ask that since I've been gone. She still gets excited over the fact that I live in London, which is somewhere she's always wanted to go. So she always asked what I was up to, wondering if I was ever up to anything new.

"I just left work to go get coffee. I'm suppose to meet up with Michael later for lunch. What about you?" Her and Sam have called me everyday, or I've called them. We've worked out a schedule and it's been working pretty well for the last month and a half. We've skyped, facetimed, called, etc. I enjoy those times but it'll never be as good as being with them in person.

"Joey!!" I heard Sam yell, I laughed and told him hi. I heard a smack and an ow come from Sam. I heard Gabby tell him she was trying to talk.

"Anyways, I'm at the store with Sam getting on his nerves."

"Well get on his nerves even more for me, yeah?"

"Absolutely. Hey, we have something we've been wanting to tell you..." Well shit, it just got serious.


"Well um, I-we are maybe sorta, kinda a thing now." She rushed. I gasped, I knew this was going to happen. "I knew this would happen! I've just been waiting! Holy shit, when?!"

Sam and Gabby are literally perfect for each other.They level each other out and they're gonna make hot babies.

"You aren't mad?" Sam asked. "Hell no! I knew you guys would get together sooner or later."

"Well, this went a lot better than I thought it was. But it just kinda....happened."

"The only thing that could make me mad was if you didn't invite me to your wedding."

"You'd be the first on the list, sweet cheeks." I laughed at the name Gabby called me, I miss them. I talked to them the rest of my way to the cafe until we had to hang up. Before I went to put my phone up I saw Michael's name flash up. I stood outside and answered.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hey, where are you?"

"I'm at the cafe a few blocks down from Jerry's."

"Ok, stay there." Before I had a chance to reply he had already hung up.

I shrugged and headed inside. I walked up to the counter and ordered. Once I got my drink I headed towards the door, only to see Michael walking in. He was dressed in his usual; black skinnies, band shirt, hightop converse and a leather jacket.

Once his eyes landed on me, he smiled and headed over. He grabbed my hand and led me to a table in the back of the cafe.

"I have to get back to work, ya know."

"I've already talked to Jerry, he said you could go ahead and go on your lunch break since it's past lunch time." I just nodded and started to sip on my caramel flavored coffee. Jerry is way too nice to me. He's already like my dad, he's more of a dad to me then my dad ever was.

"I came here to talk to you." He said after a few minutes of silence.

"About...?" I was confused and nervous. He wasn't in his joking mood but a more serious one. I was worried.

"Don't look so scared! It's nothing bad." He laughed, I sighed with relief.

"You know how we've been writing a lot, right? " I nodded and he continued, "We'll we need to go to LA for a week to write with some other people and with our producer." I frowned, were they gonna leave me by myself?

"Hey, don't frown," He said, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "We wanted to know if you wanted to go, we would all love if you went with us." I instantly smiled again, "Yes! I've always wanted to go to LA!" I got up and hugged Michael tight around the neck, I was glad he wasn't going to leave me here. He tried his best to hug me back since he was still setting and I was on the side of him.

"When do we leave?" I asked after calming down. "Tomorrow night, I already talked to Jerry and he's given you the next week off since Jason's on break. They can handle it." Well that's good, I'm glad he wont be the only one mainly there. He has two other employee's but they only work part time because of school. Me and Jerry work full time and I would hate to leave him by himself to run the whole store. Of course he can handle it but I would just feel bad because that's how I am.

"Thanks! Oh my god I'm excited."


Michael came back to the music store with me to hang out for the last few hours of my shift. I was going through CD's that needed to be put on the shelf when I got to thinking about going to LA. It's always been a dream of mine to go there. I've wanted to see the city and all of the fun things to experience there. I've always wanted to go the beach there and just explore all of the stores they had. Coming from small cities where I lived, I didn't have much to do or see. I was always stuck in small places and it was suffocating. It was like being sealed up in a tiny box my whole life and not being able to get out and explore.

This is why I want to work on tours and work with bands. Not only is music and bands my main source of happiness but so is traveling and exploring. Being able to work with people who have brought happiness into my dull life while I get to go out of my box is truly something I would love to do.

"What are you thinking about?" Michael asked coming up beside me and throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Just about how I'm not crammed in a box anymore. I can go out and do what I like and explore and not be stuck in such small places like I have been my whole life with my parents." Wait, I haven't heard from them or anything. Hopefully they aren't looking for me. I know I could stay with Luke because he's 18 but both of my parents are pretty persuasive with shit. But hopefully they don't do anything any time soon because my birthday is soon and they won't be able to do anything after I'm 18.

I turned to face him as he started talking, "You don't have to worry about being stuck in small places anymore. You're free to go where you like and you have the ability too. We will never stop you. You deserve to do and be what truly makes you happy." I smiled and placed a small kiss on his cheek. He's literally the sweetest thing. "You're too sweet." I said, walking to the shelves of CD's and putting the ones in my hand where they go.

"I know." He winks, taking a few DC's out of my hand and putting them away.

I got this weird feeling in my tummy. Butterflies? Shit, what is this boy doing to me.


Hi! Hope you enjoy guys :) Sorry this is a little shorter than usual. But things are starting to speed up finally ;)

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