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It hurt to see the person I've fallen so deeply for in so much pain. It hurt to see that my 'fans' caused it. People I thought had respect and love for us boys. But most of them don't.

It broke my heart to see her clutching onto Luke and sobbing. The amount she was shaking was frightening me. I knew she was afraid to come out with all of these people and they basically trampled her.

I didn't want to lose her out of my sight when we first went out there but we were all pushed in different directions. After every picture and signature I would look to try and find them. I saw them at one point talking to a fan and Jo was looking down. After a minute or two I saw Luke get in her face and saying something before harshly pushing through people. I knew then that something had happened and that we needed to go. So I started to leave, saying sorry to the fans who I couldn't take a picture with.

I then saw most of the people looking in their direction. They were shouting things and I only heard a few but they were the most awful insults you could say to a person. They shouldn't be said to any human. Let alone this beautiful angel.

I was pissed. I saw them reaching for her and trying to get to her. Luke was trying his best to keep her out of their reach. His height came in handy tonight because he was able to shield her a little bit.

Since most of the people were looking in their direction I took the chance to grab a chair and stand in it.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Stop moving and stop talking." Once they stopped I looked over at Joey. She was shaking so much. Luke was holding her tight and swaying them back and fourth. I could tell he was upset. His face was red with anger and his eyes were glossy with sadness.

I started my speech. I told them about how they were disrespectful and awful. I told them to leave the fandom and all of that. I was embarrassed to call these people our fans.

Once I finished, the boys and I quickly left. I was thankful a car was waiting on us at the door.

We got in the car and I let Luke hold her for a minute or two and then I spoke up, "Luke, let me see her. I've had attacks this bad before. I can help." I held my arms out for him to move her towards me. He was hesitant but I saw trust in his eyes. He trusted me with her.

She was so weak and fragile right now. I know how she always tries to put up a wall but it was broken down to nothing tonight. She's usually good about not letting anything effect her but tonight was different. The situation was different. But the memories were the same.

I held her face equal to mine as I told her to tell me about things that make her happy. She started off slow because she was still having trouble breathing, plus she was still crying.

But as she got more into it, she became so much more calmer. Her smile became real and bright. It never reached her eyes but it was still there and it was real. She told me all about her love for different things. My favorite thing was when she told me that we made her happy. That us being apart of her life made her happy.

I was smiling throughout all of this because seeing her smile and being happy made me happy.

When we got about 5 minutes away from John's place, Jo laid her head down on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tighter. This truly made me happy. She was slowly letting me in and getting more and more comfortable around me. It made me so happy.


We were walking up to the door, my arm was around her shoulder. I was excited for her to meet John. If she liked Jerry then she would like John. They're both fatherly figures in us boys' life and I want her to have the same thing.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now