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21 days down, 51 to go

I've been in this shit of a hell hole for 21 days. I feel as if I'm going insane. I have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, I've lost weight from not really eating, I feel like I could fall out at any time.

I'm so exhausted. These classes are worse than running track for hours on end everyday. Selena has been a great friend though. She makes it fun after we get back to our cell by joking around or having conversations with me.

The chores are also horrible. I've scrubbed the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, dusted everything, etc. I usually get to my cell at around six-seven. I absolutely hate this.

I hate calling what I live in at the moment a cell. But it's basically what it is because 3 of the walls are bars and we get locked in them like prisoners.

I guess they transformed an old jail into a school. Cheap ass people, damn.

I've also texted Sam and Gabby a few times. I've snuck my phone into the showers and under my pillow.

Other than all of that, it's been really boring here. I've finished the Divergent series for the second time and now I'm reading a book called Unbroken. Which I'm almost done with before I move on to the next one of this mini series.

I love to read so I have no problem with it. Reading makes me feel calm, I feel disconnected from the world when I read. I forget all about being in this place. I feel as if I'm apart of the book.

I love doing art and playing the guitar as well. But unfortunately, I couldn't bring my supplies or guitar so all I can do is read.

Right now we're leaving our last class and headed to our cells because we don't have any chores today.

"Hey Joey, look." Selena said, pointing to flyer on the cork board in the hallway.

I walk over to it. We don't have to be escorted anymore since we know our way around and we know the consciences if we don't go to our cells.

Back to the flyer. I walk over to board and look at what she's pointing at.

My mouth falls open as I read it.

"5 Seconds Of Summer"

And there's a picture of them with.... Orchestra instruments? In suits.

What. The. Hell.

"I thought they were a pop punk band....?" Selena questions, as confused as me.

"They are, I mean they hate this kind of music. I'm so confused."

"Well it says tomorrow at 2:30, so maybe we'll find out then." She says, walking towards the cell.

"B-but he.....he can't know I'm here. Selena he can't. I can't go."

The idea of him seeing me here has my chest hurting. I don't want him to see me here. He can't.

"Jo, maybe it would be a good thing. Maybe he could help you, like get you out or something."

"But I don't want to be a burden to him. I can't go back to my parents either, they would kill me if they knew I was out."

"You won't be a burden, Jo. You gotta take chances." With that she walked away.


Another dreadful day is passing. Along with nerves overtaking my body.

I've been looking at the clock all morning. It's now two o'clock and we're in our second class.

I'm not sure what to expect when 2:30 hits, but I'm trying to not think about it.


My leg is bouncing uncontrollably.


I haven't been able to concentrate on my work.


Nothing. Nothing is happening. Um.


But if you look then you won't find her there
She may be clever but she just acts too square
'Cause in the back of the room where nobody looks

All of a sudden we hear music through the speakers. And it sounds nothing like an orchestra.

Everyone is looking around at each other with smiles on their faces, happy to hear something from the outside world.

I look at Selena and she has a knowing look on her face, along with excitement.

She said to me,
"Forget what you thought
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

At the moment some people had stood up while the teacher is covering her ears and yelling for them to set down. They start ripping up the books we were using and throwing paper everywhere.

Me and Selena watch before we decide to join them. Girls are starting to get on tables to kick stuff off, others are trashing the room.

She's a good girl
(She's a good girl)
Hasn't been caught
(She's a good girl)
She's a good girl
(She's a good girl)

We all walk towards the door. Once we get out we see other girls out trashing the hallway. I like this. Literally highlight of my month.

More of the song plays, more of the building gets trashed. Everyone's heading to the back exit because it's where the music is coming from.

I spot a rollie chair and hop in it, telling Selena to push me. I grab a microphone thingy along the way. I also see the head guy or whatever being locked up in a cell. Yessss.

She said to me,
(She said to me)
"Forget what you thought
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.
So just turn around
(Just turn around)
And forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been

Everyone's outside now. Watching my brother and his band mates. Me and Selena make our way to the front because hell, why not. We start to jump around with the other girls. I'm really enjoying this.

I look up to the stage and see Michael looking at me. Oh shit he recognizes me. You know what? Fuck it, I don't care. I'll deal with Luke later because I know he's gonna tell him.

But to my surprise he smiles. What?

Once the song finishes everyone cheers. We're out, we can leave. Talk about being relieved.

I look back up on the stage, only to see Luke looking at me with shock in his eyes. Well shit here it comes.


Hi! Merry Christmas!! (For those that celebrate) It's a little late for me to say that lol.

Message me or comment what you got!!

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now