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I woke up around 11 A.M. I was expecting Michael to still be asleep but I was surprised when I saw he wasn't there. It's weird when he's the one that usually sleeps later than any one but here lately he's been getting up pretty early.

I went to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I came out and went to the kitchen where everyone else, excluding Michael and Jo, was eating breakfast.

"Mornin' Luke." Ashton said, drinking his coffee.

"Morning. Where's Jo and Michael?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

John slipped me a piece of paper, "They went out around 7:30 this morning."

My fist clenched as I looked at the paper.

Me and Michael went out because I couldn't sleep. I also wanted to look around while we were out and I didn't want to go alone so I got Michael to tag along. We'll be back late this evening.

Love you, Joey

I balled up the paper and threw it.

"Woah, man, chill." Calum said.

"I can't chill. They're out by themselves doing god knows what! I told that bastard to stay away from her and neither of them listen!"

"Hey, maybe she's good for him. Hell, he could be good for her! Let them be, they know what they're doing." John said. I felt like he knew something. Something I didn't.

"You know something I don't, don't you John. What's going on?!"

John walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking at me.

"Let them be. If something's going on, let it go on. Don't mess with them. They can do what they want. You can say something but we both know they're too stubborn to listen." I nodded.

He was right. I just hate the fact that they didn't listen at all. They're both the most stubborn people I've ever met and I should've faced the fact that they weren't gonna listen. But I'm still gonna beat his ass. Especially if I found out if he's touched her in anyway.

She's my little sister and I'm only playing the role of the big brother.


It was around 4 P.M. and they still haven't gotten back. I was worried, but also frustrated. I was setting on the couch while Calum and Ashton sat on one couch playing video games and John was on a big chair messing around with a guitar. I was setting on the other couch scrolling through Twitter when a tweet from a fan caught my eye.



Attached to the tweet was a picture. It was a picture that made my blood boil.

It was Michael and Joey at an ice cream shop... kissing. Hell no.

I told them! I told them not to!

My blood was boiling. My hand clenched tightly around my phone, my knuckles turning white.

I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna beat his ass so hard.

I sat here waiting on them. I was just waiting on them to come back.

It's been about thirty minutes before I hear the front door open. I go to stand up but I set back done when I hear it's only Alex.


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