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Me and Michael have been walking around town for about an hour now. It's not a date or anything, just a friendly day out showing me places.

After we left the coffee shop he asked if I wanted to walk around and see a few places. Of course I agreed because 1) I have no idea where any place is, 2) I'm hyped up on coffee so I don't want to set still anywhere, and 3) it's nice getting to know Michael. He's already a friend to me and its refreshing having a friend since I had to leave mine behind.

"I need to get hair dye." Michael said, nodding towards a place called Sally's Hair Supplies.

"Ok. I need to-" before I could finish my phone starts ringing.

I take it out of my pocket and see Luke calling.

Shit. I forgot to leave a note for him. He's probably worried sick because it's been what? 3 hours or more.


"Jo! Where in the hell are you?! Do you know where Michael is, too?! You've both been gone for almost four hours now!"

Michael sends me a confused look. He must've seen how nervous I was.

I hold my finger up, telling him to wait a second.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I didn't want to wake you and I forgot to leave a note, but I'm with Michael. I wanted coffee and he said he would bring me to get some since he was the only one up and now were just walking around so I can get to know the place." I rushed. I'm not exactly sure how Luke would feel about me being out with one of his band mates. Like I said, he's always been protective of me so he might take this a little far.

"WHAT?! As in like a date?! What the fuck Joey?! I want you back here right now, dammit."

Before I could reply he hung up.

Michael walks over to me, "What'd Luke want?" He looked a little worried to ask this but he did anyways.

"He's pissed because we didn't leave a note or text him. He's also upset because he thinks this is date, which it's not so I don't see what the big deal is."

"Well shit, I'm screwed. He's more than likely gonna jump all over me."

"I mean, I don't see what the big deal is because he's not my dad, and he left me for two years so he doesn't have the right to be the boss of me. He's stupid if he thinks he can tell me what I can and can't do because there is no way in hell he's gonna do that."

"He's just playing the roll of the big brother, he wants to protect you and do what he can because he missed out on doing that for two years."

He does have a point, but I'm not going to be treated like I'm 10.

"Okay. But do we have to go back now? We haven't finished looking around."

Michael sighs, "I think after we get the hair dye we should go ahead and go back. I'm already in deep shit, I don't want to make that worse or for him to be mad at you."

I nod and head towards the entrance of the store. I really wanted to look at more places but maybe another time. If I ever get lost because I have no idea where I am, it's all Luke's fault.

We walk into the store and walk to the aisle with the colorful hair dye. I love looking at all of the different colors, I find I interesting.

"So are you re-doing the red or dying it a different color?" I ask, skimming my hand across the bottles and boxes of colors.

"I think I'm wanna go blonde with a splash of blue somewhat on the top." He says, lifting his hat up and running a hand through his fading red hair before putting it back on.

"That'd look so cool! "

I follow Michael to the permanent color section. He reaches out and grabs a box of blonde and one of blue.

"That's it." He says and then heads for the entrance. I think for a second and then stop Michael.

"Wait, I'll be right back." I say and head off in the direction of normal hair colors. I'm ready for a change. I scan the shelves until I find the right permanent color I want before grabbing it and walking back towards the counter.

When I get there Michael is waiting in line behind a tall guy with fading blue hair.

"Black?" Michael asks, nodding towards the box of black hair color in my had.

"Yeah, I want a change. And plus I've been wanting to do all of my hair black for a while now." I tell him as we move up in line.

I've been meaning to do black but then I really liked this teal color I saw in the store one day, so I did my brown tips teal and they've been that ever since.

Michael pays for his and waits on me while I pay for mine. I take out the new money that me and Michael went to the bank to exchange my american money for and pay for my color.

I need to get a job. I can't live off of this little bit of money I have left and there is no way in hell I'm going to borrow from Luke or any of the guys.

"I need to get a job." I state, pushing my hair out of my face.

"I know a few places we could check out tomorrow if Luke let's you leave the house." Michael tries to joke, cracking a smile. I feel like I'm going to melt. I've never been so mesmerized by a smile before but Michaels is beautiful.

Wait. No Joey, stop. You can't do this.

I try and bring myself back to reality. Once I do, I realize I've been staring at his face for a wee bit too long.

"O-oh um, yeah! That'd be great thanks. And hopefully or I'll just drag him out with me."

Michael and I walk back to his car, which is a few blocks away, and we get in it in a hurry.

On the way back my favorite song at the moment comes on.

"Ah! Can I turn it up?!" I ask, becoming extremely excited. Michael chuckles and nods.

I reach out and turn the volume up quite loud before returning back to my past position.

Can you tell from the look in your eyes?
We're going nowhere.
We live our lives like we're reading to die.
We're going nowhere.

Can you tell from the look in your eyes?
We're going nowhere.
We live outlet lives like were ready to die.
We're going nowhere.

I start to move my head a little once the music gets faster, Michael doing the same.

"You like this song?" Michael asks, a hopeful smile on his face.

"Yeah, it's my favorite. It's actually my favorite album."

"Dude! Same, I've been listening to Sempiternal on replay for weeks now."

"Yesssss." I hold my fist next to his so we can fist bump.

Michael does that blow noise thingy an I just laugh.

"Hey! You gotta make the noiseeee!" Michael wines, holding his fist out to do it again.

So we do it again and this time I make the noise to make him happy.

Seeing him happy, for some reason, makes me happy.

Hiiii! Hope you guys enjoy this! Leave a comment and let me know what you think! Also, can you vote or comment? I would like to know if anyone's actually reading this so I know I'm not just writing it for no reason. Please!

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