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"Wake up! Get up! Get up! Get up!" I was startled awake by someone jumping on my bed.

I opened my eyes slightly to see the clock on the side table that read 11:04 A.M.

"Who the fuck is- ow."

"Language! Young lady you need Jesus." The person said before they laid on my back.

"Alex, you need Jesus more than a room full of men at a strip club. And get off of me." I groaned. He was heavy.

"Okay, that's true. But come on, get uppppppp!" He whined in my ear.

"Alright! I'm up! Not get off."

I attempted to roll over where he would roll off, which worked when he landed on the floor.

"Ow, Joey that hurt." He whined.

"I'm really not sorry." I told him while I got out of the bed.

"Smart ass." He mumbled after he stood up.

"Why are you waking me up so early?" I walked over to my suitcase to pull out clothes for today.

"Because we're going sight seeing! We never do that when we're here in London and so since we have a day off we wanna go! And we want you to bring your camera. Be ready in 10!"

"I can't be ready in- ugh." He had ran out of the room before I could even finish my sentence.

I grabbed my black skinny jeans, underwater, a bra and a blue Nirvana shirt before walking to the bathroom and changing. I brushed my hair while I was in there and let it hang down in loose waves.  I then put mascara on my long lashes before going to put my black vans on.

I grabbed my camera out of my camera bag, and my leather jacket and headed into the lounge area of the hotel room. The guys were all setting around talking.

"Finally! It's been 20 hours!" Jack complained.

"Go to hell, it's only been like 8 minutes."

I walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and then I walked back to the front door.

"Well come on slow pokes."


"-I'll see you tomorrow, alright. Bye Jerry."

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked out at the little pond we had come across.

I had called Jerry to see how everything was going and how he was doing. I was really missing that old man.

I looked to my left to see Jack with my camera. And then a flash.

"Jack!" I threw my hands over my face and looked the other way. I take pictures, I'm not in them.

"What?! You were taking pictures of us!"

"Because I own the damn camera." I groaned. I stood to my feet and walked to him to grab my camera. He held it up high where I couldn't reach it, though.


He attempted to look serious, "You have to promise me on your Netflix account that you won't delete it."

"Fine, fine. I won't delete it so can I have my camera."

He nodded and handed it to me.

"Are we gonna be able to look at any of your pictures?" Zach asked, walking up to us with the other two behind him.

"Well yeah, if you want. Just wait until we get back to the hotel so I can show you on my laptop." They nodded and we started walking towards the hotel.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now