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{That manip^ is really, really bad I'm sorry}


After about two minutes of Luke staring at me, he starts to walk towards me.


"Joey? What are you doing here?"

He jumps off the stage type thingy and comes to stand in front of me. Selena backs away to leave us alone, great.

"I um, I.... They sent me here. I've been here for 21 days. What are you doing here?"

His face shows pure shock as I tell him this. What did he expect they were gonna do.

"Why? And we thought this place needed a little spicing up, so we lied and said we were from this other school thing."

"Luke, you know why. You have no idea how bad they've gotten. I feel like an animal because of how they treat me. It's ten times worse than how they did you Luke. It's actually gotten physical."

I haven't said anything about this, but it has. The occasional slap from my mom or dad. Pushes from my mom. Shit like that. She even brought out a belt a few times. Yeah, it's bad.

"What do you mean physical?" Anger was laced through each word as he spoke. I don't care though. He should know.

"Slaps, pushes." I tell him the bear minimum. He doesn't need to know anymore about it.

What he did next surprised me for some reason. He pulled me into a tight hug; squeezing me like I would disappear if he let go.

"I'm so sorry, Joey."

I hugged him back, muttering an 'it's ok' into his shoulder. I only did this because I missed him. It felt nice to be in his arms again. My anger towards him went away for the moment.

"You're coming with us. They don't even have to know, but there is no way in hell you're going back there."

He says once he pulls away. He holds my face in his hands, after bending down to my height, and tells me this. His eyes look glassy and scared.

"I'll keep you safe. Whatever they told you, it isn't true. I know they've put you down, but don't listen to them. We're gonna take you to London and you'll live there with us for a few more months. In April we're moving back to our homes in Australia, Michael's parents said I could stay with them until I get a house and I'm sure you can too."

"Luke, I can't do that to them. Especially if I don't know them!"

"You are if they say yes. That's final."

"And if they say no?"

"We'll work something out."

I sigh in defeat and nod. This is better than going back to my parents house. I also think it's better to get out of this town completely. I also still have a tiny bit of trust in Luke. I feel safer with him even when he left me.

"Now go get your stuff and meet us back at the front. Hurry before one of the guards see you."

I nod and run to get my stuff. When I get there I see Selena gathering her stuff as well.

"Where do you plan to go?" I ask, out of breath from running.

"I have a few friends that said I could stay with them. You go with your brother. You have my number so we can stay in contract whenever, okay? I have to go and you need to hurry. Bye Joey, be careful."

She hugs me and heads out the door before I could reply. I quickly get my stuff together before rushing out and towards the front entrance. I'm gonna miss her but we could always meet up sometime in the future. She was a great friend to me these past few weeks and I don't want to just forget about her.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now