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How could he do that? He doesn't have the right to tell me what to do. And then basically calling me a slut. Why would he even consider that?

I was angry. I was angry at Luke. I was angry at myself. I was angry at my parents. I was angry at the world, basically.

So before I said or did something I would regret, I left. I couldn't stand to be around him anyways. But because I was mad and not thinking I ended up forgetting my jacket. Now I'm walking to god knows where and I'm freezing. I only have on a shirt and ripped skinny jeans in 20 degree weather.

I hope I didn't upset Michael by what I said because I know he was listening. He's been to good to me and I didn't mean to direct any of those things to him. I know he's part of the band and I said an awful thing or two about it. It's just when I'm angry I can't control anything I say. It comes out without me even processing it.

I've been walking for about 20 minutes now. I have no idea where I'm going but it looks like I'm back in town. I rub my hands up and down my arms to try and warm them up. I keep walking along the sidewalk, squeezing through the crowd of people walking in different directions. I look up at the store names and see that this is where me and Michael were walking around earlier. I walk to the other side of the street and start looking at the stores we didn't get to see.

My eyes almost pop out of my head when I see a music store. A smile instantly makes its way to my face as I head into the store. I look around and notice it's not an ordinary music store.

You see, music stores are two different types of things. The first kind is the instrument kind. They sell instruments. The second type is the one that sells CDs and records. But this store, its both. I know a lot of stores are both but I mean this is huge. It doesn't just have a cd case next to the counter, but it had a whole section.

When you first walk in you're surrounded by shelfs full of vinyls. When you look to the left there's a wall full of posters. There's shelfs full of CD's. From where I'm standing I can tell the music range is huge. When you look to the back there's all kinds of instruments. The counters in the center of the store. It's one counter facing the front and one parallel to it facing the back.

To the left of the store where there's CDs there's multiple CD players. And to the right where all of the vinyls are there's all kinds of different record players.

I walk towards the vinyl section and walk to the shelf labeled 'Alternative'.

I run my fingers across all of the old and new records. I can feel the creases of the old ones and plastic of the new ones.

"Need help with anything?" I snap my head towards the voice. It sounded American.

I see a guy that's about in his 40s-50s standing next to me. I have to look up at him because he's pretty tall. He has blondeish/gray hair and a gray gotee. His hair is combed back with some gel. He's dressed in black pants and a black button down shirt with the top three bottoms undone. He also has a chain around his neck that stops right past his neck line. He looks oddly familiar. It feels like I've seen him or someone he's related too before.

"Oh, um I was just looking." I say, not really sure how to respond because I don't even know if I need any help.

"Alright. If you need anything I'll be over there." He smiles, pointing towards the guitars. I see some not on the wall so I'm guessing he's putting them on display.

"Ok, thank you."

I get to thinking about mine and Michaels conversation earlier. I'm gonna need a job so I won't be spending their money. I look around and realize this would be like my job back home. My heart aches at the thought of my friends being there. The thought of Sam's store hurts a lot. But it also makes me happy because I loved to work there.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now