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I was pretty pissed at Luke for telling Jo she needed to come home. We were having a great time and now it's probably not gonna happen again for a long time.

I was really enjoying my day. Joey is really easy to get along with. Everything about her is her own things. I've realized that she doesn't act, dress, talk, or have the same interests for the attention of someone else. She does all of this on her own and I like that about her.

Every girl I've come in contact with have faked everything just to get me to like them or for the fame and I absolutely hate it. I want to be surrounded by people who are them for themselves, not for anyone else. Joey is just that. I can tell she doesn't take any shit from anyone yet she can be like a baby puppy. She's adorable.

Her personality is amazing, too. She's not stuck up or wanting sympathy just for the attention. Just after these two days of actually knowing her I can tell by her actions that she's been through a lot and yet she hates attention being drawn to her. I really like that about her, how quiet she is.

Luke told us she would be pretty quiet. We know what they went through and we know it still happened to Joey after we left. Something like that would leave most people quiet.

I hated leaving her behind. I was pissed at Luke for leaving her and the way he left her. We all knew, especially him, what would happen. We knew it would get worse and I hated myself for leaving her. I barely talked to Luke outside of work things for a while.

We only ever met her once and it was briefly so we really know nothing about her. I was still drawn to her. She was and still is extremely beautiful with an amazing personality.

Luke told us she was extremely talented with the guitar and vocals. He told us she hated to sing in front of anyone that wasn't him and too expect to hear nothing from her anytime soon.

She seems like this quiet, mysterious girl that keeps herself hidden away from everything and everyone and is waiting for someone to break her out of hiding.

I wanted to be that someone.



I was fuming. I specifically told the guys to stay away from my sister. Especially Michael! His past relationships have all turned out bad and I do not want that happening to my sister. She's been through hell enough.

I know how Michael is when it comes to girls, which is what's pissing me off because he's out with my sister.

I know she's almost 18 and can do what she wants but I do not want this happening, not with any of them.

I was setting in the living room waiting on them to get back. I start to mess around my phone and that lasts for about 20 minutes before I finally hear the door open.

I instantly stand up, putting my phone in my pocket, and walk to the door.

They both dart their eyes to me when I clear my throat.

"Joey, I need to talk to you." I say through gritted teeth, glaring at Michael. I then look at Jo, she nods and starts to walk to the kitchen.

Once we're both in there and out of sight from anyone else, I speak.

"Stay away from him. Stay away from all of them like that." I know I'm coming off as harsh but I'm trying to get it through her head.

"And why do I need to do that exactly?" She smirks. I clench my fist because she thinks this is a joke.

"I know Michael's past with girls and it's not a good one. I don't want you to get hurt anymore than you have, Jo. They're also my best friends and if anything happened, it would be bad for the band."

"Luke, I don't even like them like that. Especially after two days! What are trying to say, that I'm a slut?! That I'm in love with all four of them after two days. Because it sure as hell sounds like it-"

"Joey, I'm not-" I try to say but she cuts me off.

"I'm not finished! Luke, you're the main reason I'm hurt. I've hurt more emotionally than I have physically. You're talking down to me like they used too. They called me a slut, a whore, an attention seeker. I was only ever with Sam and Gabby and I'm still a virgin! So there was no way I could've been those things. And I'm also almost 18 so I can do whatever the hell I want with whoever the hell I want. He only took me out to get coffee because I really wanted some, dammit."

She stops for a second, locking her eyes with mine.

"We aren't like we used to be, Luke. You left me vulnerable. I was treated like shit ten times worse than you and you fucking knew it. I was kicked and shoved and punched and slapped and you weren't. And now that I'm free from that, I'm going to be my own person who can do whatever she wants. So fuck you, fuck your bandmates, and fuck your stupid band." She spat and then stormed out the door and then I heard the front door shut.

I stood there shocked and loss for words. She told me it was nothing major and now that I know it was way more than that I feel really, really bad. I hate myself for leaving her. Dammit, why did I leave.

She was my whole world before I really got into music. We did everything together. I did anything for her. I protected her. I protected her from everything but myself and that lead her to getting hurt.

Music and my career became my world and main priority and I just threw her away. I hate myself for it.

I look in the spot she was once standing, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. I wipe them away harshly with the palm of my hand but it doesn't get rid of the pain I'm feeling.

I'm full of anger as I stand in the room clenching and unclenching my fist. They better hope I never see them again. They may be my parents but dammit I won't hesitate to do something to them.

I turn to head towards the door but someone opened it before I can take a step.

"Luke, look. I know what you told us about staying away from her. But we wouldn't hurt her purposely if anything did happen with one of us. But I only took her to get coffee because we were out and then I offered to show the place because she's never been here. She also left her two best friends behind and doesn't have any here so I'm trying to be her friend. Someone that's there for her besides you. I heard what she said; about being abused. She's gonna need someone besides you there for her. " Michael explains, walking into the room.

"You need to be more calm with her. She can do what she wants with whoever she wants. I'm not trying to make you mad at me, man but just be more relaxed with her. I haven't been around her long but I know she's fragile. She's strong enough to hide it and not break so soon, but Luke she will break one day if you keep this up. She's covering it up but I can tell. You could too if you looked hard enough." He finishes, a look of accomplishment on his face. He's right. He does have a point about her being fragile. I know I was hard on her but I just don't want her hurt any more.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just.... I don't want her hurt anymore. And I still don't want anything happening between any of you that involves my sister. I'm serious."

"Ok. But remember she's her own person, Luke. I'm going to go find her so she doesn't get lost. She didn't even grab a jacket." He turns to leave the room. When did Michael ever get some sense?

Instead of going after Michael like I want, I stay here. Me and Jo need a little space anyways. I don't have full trust in him that he would stay away from her because he's Michael. When he wants something he won't stop until he gets it. I just really hope he listens to me.

I plan to apologize to Joey before we go to bed. She should be calmed down by then. I hope she doesn't hate me because I don't want that feeling ever again.

I walk to our basement, which is a studio, and pick up my guitar. I need to let off some steam and this seems to be the only way I know how.

I start strumming random cords and coming up with different melodies. Hopefully this will take my mind off of things for a while. Hopefully it will let me escape for a while.

Hello! Hi, I hope you guys like this? Please let me know what you think, please please. Do you like this story so far? Please give me feedback guys.
(This was meant to be up yesterday but my internet went out sorry)

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