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"Joey. Jo," I heard someone whisper. I then felt my shoulder being gently wiggled, "Josephieeeee."

I slowly opened my tired eyes. I feel like I haven't slept in days. I rub over my eyes before setting up. I look up and see Luke standing above me.


"We've landed." He says before shaking Michael. I then realize Michael is what I was sleeping on. I hope he doesn't mind.

He was also right, he is a fantabulous cuddle buddy. I realize I didn't do too bad with the whole plane thing. Michael was a great distraction and I honestly don't think I would've been able to stay calm without him.

"Hey, you didn't do too bad." Michael says, his voice cracking in the process; bumping my shoulder with his. He's so ho- adorable when he's sleepy. Adorable. He's adorable.

"I know, thanks for distracting me, man." I nervously laugh because of my recent thoughts, bumping my shoulder on his in return to him doing it to me.

"Can I go back to sleep?" I ask, getting my carry on from above me.

Luke laughed, "When we get in the car. We have about an hour drive to our house." I nod before following him and his band mates off the plane and too the car waiting for us.

Thankfully there's no fans here. I don't think I'm ready for that. I've been in band fandoms long enough to know about the mobs and hurtful things they can yell to someone new; especially girls.

Once we get in I instantly lay my head on Luke's shoulder.

"You haven't changed have you?" He chuckles.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You still want to sleep after being asleep for hours. You slept all the time, no matter where you were." He does have a point. I do love to sleep. I can fall asleep anywhere.

"Sleep is my best friend." I frown as I said the last word. The fact of not being a few minutes away from my best friends is settling in. I become quiet and Luke takes notice.

"I'm sorry, Jo," he whispers, "I couldn't leave you there. I'm sorry I left you the first time, but I'm here now and not leaving again. I know you'll miss them but you guys can still stay in contact. You can do better than me."

I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I really am going to miss them. I will stay in contact with them, no matter what. They're my family, I could never leave them like Luke left me.

"I'm so sorry, Joey." I hear Luke whisper one more time while he kisses my forehead before I felt sleep over take my body again.


"She looks like a little puppy."

"She's adorable!" I hear giggles.

I groan and roll around, but I don't get far. I'm being carried.

"Guys! Be quiet, she's still sleeping!" That was Luke. He must be the one carrying me.

"Sorry man." I then hear a door being opened.

"I'm gonna take her to her room and let her sleep. You guys be quiet."

I feel myself being carried up stairs before I hear another door being opened.

Luke lays me down on, what I'm guessing is, my bed.

I hear his footsteps start to fade away but I speak before he leaves.

"Luke." I open my eyes just a little to look at him.

"Yeah, Joey?" He walks back over to me.

"Can you lay down with me? Please, I wanna cuddle."

He laughs before taking off his shoes and getting under the covers with me. This is so familiar and normal to me.

Me and Luke used to sleep together all of the time. He would be in my room comforting my crying, pathetic self and we would fall asleep together in my bed. Sometimes his.

He was always my top cuddle buddy. He made feel safe. Even after these past two years, he still makes me feel safer than ever.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. I put my head against his chest while he lays his forehead against the top of my head. He kisses my temple and pulls the covers up to my chin before mumbling a 'go to sleep'. I mumble an I love you before falling asleep once again.



I smile over at Luke and Joey. They're the cutest siblings I've ever seen. I mean, I've never seen siblings this close. Even after Luke leaving her like he did, they're still as close as ever.

It felt nice to get to know Joey on the plane. She's more interesting than I remember her being. Her music taste is the coolest. I should've known it was going to be close to Luke's.

Luke would always talk about how they shared albums, band shirts, went to concerts together, listened to music together. He always has a smile on his face talking about his sister. He talks about her as if she's his whole world. Anyone with eyes and hears could tell he's loves her. I would to if I had a younger sibling.

All three of us know how much he beats himself up over leaving her two years ago. He would talk about how much he hated himself for doing that, but he just couldn't go back. He rarely talked to her because he was busy but he was also too scared and full of guilt to talk to her. He knew it was wrong but it was the only thing he thought he could've done.

Ever since we saw her at the school place, he seemed happier but his eyes were full of guilt. We know he's happier that he got her back but he's still beating himself up.

Maybe she can help him to stop.

On a side note, I personally like Joey. She's so easy to get along with. When she was reading I just watched and listened. I watched as the words fell effortlessly off of her lips. I watched how every few minutes she would run her left hand over her lips and pull on them, seeming nervous. Maybe it's a nervous habit.

She seems so interesting but also mysterious in a way. Like she has this whole other personality. She doesn't seem all that innocent, and I like that.

I want to get to know her more. I want to know everything there is possible to know about her. I want her to know about me. I'm making this a mission to get to know her.

To know if she really is a good girl who is just a bad girl that hasn't been caught

Hiiii! Sorry it's been a while! My goal is to update at least once a week this time. Please, please let me know what you think!

I also just like to have a lot of Luke/Joey in here too show you their relationship before he left and how close they were, and also once this story actually gets going there's barely gonna be any moments like this bc Michael/Joey moments wooP.

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