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Josephine |

"Wake up! Everybody up! You have 5 minutes to get to your assigned places!"

I groan as I hear a man shout through one of those microphone thingies.

"Damn early morning people." I heard Selena mumble as I see her get up.

I get up and stretch out, Selena doing the same. I brush my teeth at the mini sink in our cell before quickly running a brush through my hair and gathering it up into a ponytail. Selena leaves her long waves down along her back.

"You ready?" I nod and we head towards our class room, the cell doors already unlocked.

Me and Selena looked at my schedule yesterday and came to terms that I have all of the same classes as her. She said to just follow her so I don't get lost. We have two classes altogether so I shouldn't get too lost.

Our school lasts for 7 hours a day. 3 of those hours in a class that teaches posture and how to be a lady. The other 3 in another class that teaches respect, manners, and how to make the right choices. The one hour we don't have classes are when we go to lunch and take bathroom breaks.

I hate this. We even have to wear uniforms. Theses things are so uncomfortable and itchy. This feels worse than jail. And yes I know that for a fact because I've been there before, but that's another story for another time.

When I get to class I see about 10 people already in here, but also a lot more empty desks. I walk up to the teacher to give her this form thing I was told to give her so she knows what to do with me.

"Ah! You must be Josephine! I'm Mrs. Roberts," she reaches out to shake my hand. I slowly lift my hand to shake hers. "Just find you a seat and follow along with everything. There's not much you would need to catch up on."

She doesn't seem like the person who would work here. She's not as....strict as I thought everyone here would be. She's kinda like Selena, but not that bubbly.

I look around and see Selena waving her hand at me. I let out a small sigh and head towards the seat next to hers, thankful I'm not sitting by someone I don't know.

"This class is really boring and stupid so brace yourself." Selena said, pushing her hair out of her face.

We don't have any books or anything so I'm guessing we just watch and listen?

"Alright! Today we're going to start off by learning how to set straight. As in at tables, in chairs, different places. " Mrs. Roberts said, walking towards the book shelf full of hard back books before passing them out.

She pulls the chair out from behind her desk and sets it in the front of the classroom place.

"I want everyone to put their backs completely against the chair. Then put your legs together and plant them firmly on the ground," she gestures towards her feet while saying this, "Make sure your feet are flat and knees bent. Now get the book and place on top of your head." We watch as she places the thick book on top of her perfectly fixed pony tailed head. We all attempt to do the same. Most people drop their books once they let go because of it not being balanced.

This activity is complete bullshit but I do it anyways.

I place the book slowly on top of my head after trying to set as straight as possible.

After about 3 failed attempts I got the book to stay.

"I hate this. I don't see the need in doing this shit, man."

"Mhmmm." I hum in response to Selena.

"Alright, I see that everyone is doing well. Now you're going to add a second book. Try not to make the other one fall. "

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin