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She was so beautiful. So fucking perfect.

When I first laid eyes on her today I couldn't look away. I haven't seen her, not even pictures, since we broke up. She looked healthy and okay though. Except for when I looked into her eyes I could see that she was just as broken as I am. I hated myself for hurting her, for causing her pain and heartbreak. I wish I wasn't such a drunk asshole that night. We would still be together and married by now. But I fucked up.

I was hoping she would give me a chance to talk to her today. I want to make this better, I want to make it right. Fuck, even if we were just friends I'd still be happy.

She stood across from me, even though I was slightly behind Jack.

I couldn't help when I mouthed to her that she looked beautiful, and what made it even better was that she smiled. SHE SMILED. She didn't frown or look away but she smiled, and I could feel it that we were gonna be okay.


I was sat at the groom's end of the long table set up for the wedding party group, Joey sat at the other end. I was drinking my wine when I saw everyone get up to go dancing. I stayed sat down and watched as Gabby grabbed Joey's hand and took her out to the dance floor, both of them dancing really well to Car Radio as it played through the speakers. God, I missed her.

"Hey man." I heard from beside me. I looked up and smiled when I saw it was Sam. We became good friends over the years me and Jo were together but I haven't talked to him much lately.

"Hey! How's it going?" I asked, standing and pulling him into a hug, but watching out for the sleeping baby in his arms.

"It's good! How are you?" He asked.

I nodded, "It's getting better. How's the little guy?"

"A handful." He chuckled, "You wanna hold him?"

I nodded, not being able to meet him but one brief time. He sat him in my arms as I stared in awe at the little baby in my arms. I always wondered what it would be like if me and Jo had one.

"He's so tiny." I laughed, letting him squeeze my finger in his sleep.

Sam nodded, "I thought I was gonna break him the first time I picked him up."

"Sam!" We both looked in the direction of the voice, only to realize it was Gabby calling him over to the dance floor. He looked at me, "Do you want me to take him?" I shook my head, "No, it's okay. I'll hold him." He smiled before walking to Gabby. I then realize Joey was missing.

I looked around for a few minutes before giving up and setting down, not being able to spot her in the huge room.

"Hello, little guy." I spoke to the baby in my arms as I saw his eyes start to open.

"Wow, your eyes are so blue and beautiful." I gasped.

"Just like his moms." My eyes shot up at the voice. The voice I've wanted to hear for so long.

"Josephine." I breathed. She stood in front of me in her beautiful, lavender dress that hugged her in all the right places. She had a small smile on her lips, "Hi Michael." She then took a seat next to me, which caused me to almost loose my shit.

"H-hi. You um- you look really pretty." I stuttered out. She giggled. Oh how I missed that noise.

"Thank you, you look pretty too." I shook my head and laughed softly.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now