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Josephine |

"I'll miss you guys so, so much." I say as I hug my best friends.

It was now that time. 30 minutes until I had to leave. We were at the coffee shop spending what time we had left together.

I know two months isn't that long, but it is when you're leaving the only people who care about you behind with barely any contact.

"We'll miss you too, Joey." Gabby said, cupping my cheeks and wiping away my tears that have fallen.

"This is the part where I give you the talk about staying away from boys, but I don't have to worry about that since there isn't gonna be any. But don't let any girl with wondering eyes come near you." Sam tried to joke, which helped because I let a small laugh fall from my lips.

"Now you behave alright. Time will go by before you know it and then you'll be back here with us. Screw your parents, you're coming to live with me when you get out."

"No no no, I can't do that. I don't wanna be a bother and burden to your parents." There was no way I could do that to them. They do enough.

"You are and it's final. We've already talked this through and they're all for it! Ok? So don't worry about anything. "

"I love you so much, Gabby." I sigh in defeat, pulling her into another hug.

"I love you too. We both do. We'll see you real soon alright?"

"Wait, what does Luke have to say about this?" They're both frustrated at Luke because of how he just up and left me with my parents. They never met him because we moved after he left but I told them the story. I was mad but I got over it.

"I...I haven't told him."

"WHAT?! Why not?!"

"Sam please don't say anything. Neither of you please. I'll tell him, just not right now. Please I'm begging you not to say anything. He doesn't need this. "

I didn't want to put this on him with his career going how it is. They're becoming bigger and about to start their own tour soon, he doesn't need this.

"I- dammit alright. But if you don't tell him soon I won't hesitate too." I nod and pull them both into one last hug before going back home where my parents are waiting for me.


"And that's it. She's already to go."

Mr. Stevens said, putting all my papers into a folder.

"Alright. We hope to see a changed lady when she gets home." My mom directed more to me than to him.

"You do as you're told, young lady. We'll see you in two months. " My dad said. I rolled my eyes and looked at the wall.

"Yeah ok, bye." I was ready for them to leave already.

Once they left I was escorted to my 'room'. I apparently can't have visitors and no devices. So when they asked about my phone I told them I gave it to my friend to hold on to, they seemed to buy it.

I can't even have coffee, popcorn, pizza or sour patch kids. All the things I asked about and I can't have them. Which fucking sucks because those are all my favorite things.

I go through the process of taking a damn picture, which I proudly flipped off the camera while doing so, before being escorted to my 'room'.

I'm left to stay in my so called room for the rest of the day since classes are almost over and they have no chores for me at the moment.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu