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{I know this picture is Luke and whatever her name is, but pretend it's Joey because it fits really well in a certain spot ok enjoy}


It is now April. The month where the boys move back to Australia and the month they start their tour. It's been a month since I've had my job at AP and it's been really great.

I've met a lot of great bands and people due to my small little jobs at AP but now I'm ready to travel. I'm ready to go see so many beautiful places, explore so many neat things. I'm ready to actually feel free.

As for me and Michael, we're still just 'dating'. No, we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, but we go on multiple dates and hang out  almost everyday, but not usually alone. I remember our first actual date- the day I got my job- and it was so cool. He took me to get ice cream, and then took me to this old music shop, a place I love. It was really big in the 90's and nothing in it really changed. It looked like it was from the 90's, smelt like it even. If that's even a thing.

We walked around in the small store for hours, joking and playing different songs quietly on one of the records. We even slow danced, or attempted too.

But we both haven't been ready to move to the next step, which is commitment. Not because we couldn't be faithful or trustworthy, but emotionally. We were both working toward stability, to see if we could do it. And so far, I think we have. And now I think we're ready for commitment. I think he thinks it, too.

This may seem like we're over reacting or acting as if we're getting married. But it's just surrounding around stability and if we're both mentally and emotionally ready to be this close and open with someone because neither of us have before.

We want this to work. To actually work. We don't want to mess up. This is how close we actually are.

I've helped him and he's helped me. We're good for each other, we make each other better people for ourselves and the people around us.

"Joey?" I was startled from my thoughts by the guys. They all came in and set around me on my bed, which I was currently setting  in the middle of reading a book.

"Yes?" I asked, taking off my reading glasses and giving them my full attention. They all had a look of seriousness and nervousness on their faces, it radiated off of them.

"It's time to make a decision."

Oh. Its time for me to decide if I was going to stay or not because they move in a three days.

"I um- uh-" I stuttered, not ever thinking of this.

Ashton placed a hand on my arm, "You know, we wouldn't be mad if you wanted to stay. We would understand." He said softly.

I offered him a small smile.

"I would love to stay because I love the people and places here." I said, noticing all of their faces fall.

But I continued, "But my home is wherever you four are. And that'll be back in Australia." I smiled.

All of their faces lit up and I was instantly pulled into a huge hug.

"You're going with us!" Calum yelled.

I laughed, "Yeah."

I felt lips on my cheek. I turned and saw Michael smiling adoringly at me. "What?" I whispered.

He just continued to smile and shake his head.

They all but Michael got off of my bed and stood up, "Well, you better start packing." Luke told me.

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now