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"Hey babe?" I heard Michael ask from behind me.

I turned away from the window I was currently looking out and looked at him as he poked his head in the room.


"Um, my parents wanna take us three out to dinner and um they wanna meet you as my girlfriend."

I instantly froze. I'm not ready to meet his parents as his girlfriend. What if they hate me? What if they think I'm not good enough for M? What if I embarrass myself?

"W-what?" I choked out.

He immediately rushed over to stand in front of me. "Hey, it's okay. They'll love you. I know what you're thinking but stop. Don't worry about anything because they'll love you."

"But what if they don't? What if they just hate me? I don't want them to think I'm not good enough for you?" I stared  up at him as his hands softly gripped my hips.

He placed a kiss to my lips, "They won't. Trust me, they already love you by what I've told them and they haven't even met you yet! That's gotta tell you something right?" He smiled softly.

I tried to offer a small smile but failed. "It'll be okay." He said quietly.


He smiled, "They should be getting off of work in an hour and so we'll leave in three hours."

"Where are we going? Like how do I need to dress?" I asked him.

"We're going to this huge, Italian place, and it's pretty fancy." He said as he made a disgusted face. Neither of us like to dress fancy.

I laughed,"So are you gonna wear a tie?" I joked.

He rolled his eyes, "Are you gonna wear a dress?"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Maybe."

"Is it gonna be a short one?" He asked excitedly. I backed away and hit his chest, "Michael!"

"What?" He laughed.

"So immature." I mumbled, walking over to my temporary bed and getting my laptop before setting against the headboard.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Watching Netflix." I said simply.

"Netflix and chill?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Michael!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

He laughed loudly, "I'm joking, I'm joking. Calm down." He sat next to me as I glared at him.

He leaned down and placed a kiss to my nose, "Supernatural?"



I stood in front of the mirror and sighed, turning side to side to look at my outfit.

It was a long sleeve dress but the chest area, shoulders and arms were this black lace type stuff while the rest was solid black. It came about mid-thigh and flowed out at the bottom. I matched it with some black high heels that had a strap around the ankle.

I parted my dark hair on the other side where it could cover up my awkwardly growing hair from when I shaved it. I waved it and pinned my long bands back slightly.

My makeup was natural colors and small winged eyeliner. My lips were also a nude color.

Was this okay? Was this appropriate? Did I look okay? Would they approve?

Good Girl | | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now