Chapter One

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Hey everyone! Sorry for going MIA. I had been busy with my family and stuff. Also, I'm doing way better since I recovered from illness. So now I'm back to writing once again. I'll be updating the Jamal stories and other ones when I have time, but other than that I get a free moment

The first date,

"Wow! Jamal, you look like a Princess," "Thanks Coach," Jamal said looking at Michael Malone when he bought the flowers to him. "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah, I'm ready," Jamal and Michael Malone went on the date at the Cheesecake Factory. However, Michael Malone wanted to know more about Jamal, what he do on his spare time with the family and friends. Yet, he wanted to be part of the family. "I know it's too soon about marriage and kids Jamal, but we should get to know each other more because I wanted to know more about you," Jamal was appalled when he heard him talking about marriage and having children. "Coach, I think that's too soon. But I'll give it a go if ever," "I know, it's your choice whenever you want, I'll wait." He laughed at the fact that Michael was the one wanting to do something with him, getting married and then starting a family. (Wait a minute! Did Jamal Murray read The Thomas Jefferson and John Adams love story? Sorry for going off topic.) "Well you know Michael, I know it's too soon to start a family but Other than that, I'll wait," "Oh really? Same," Jamal and Michael knew they have to wait and take some time before they start jumping for marriage and having kids.

Note: Oh and if you check out The Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Love story, This will tell you anything about their love story. Yet, Thomas Jefferson is very certain on how he will be married to his boss especially when his boss becomes the President of the United States. Anyways, back to the story. My bad! I got too Kinky with the founding fathers tho.

"I can be the John Adams, you can be the Thomas Jefferson," "Wait! Really? I could be your Thomas Jefferson?" "Yep," He smiled. "Because I'm in love with you," "Well you have no idea what it means to me Michael, of course I can be your Thomas Jefferson," Jamal smiles. They enjoyed their dinner at Cheesecake Factory in Denver before they go out for the romantic stroll. In that case, they planned on traveling international together like going to Monaco, Morocco, Paris and Maldives to see the world. Jamal was looking forward to traveling with him together. "You know I have never traveled outside of United States before but I'm going to give it a go," "Great! I'll buy the tickets and make sure you let your parents know," "Alright Michael," He nodded.

The next day,

Jamal's mom was excited to see her son traveling together with the boyfriend of his. "Make sure to take lots of photos, your little brother, dad and I will be there to see you both," "Mom, are you kidding me?" "No I'm serious Jamal, I wanted to meet you both," "Wow Mom! I'm surprised," Jamal became surprised that his family was coming to Monaco. "Not to mention, I bought tickets too!" Later on he added an explanation. "Mom if you come to Monaco you promise not to tell anyone that I have a boyfriend?" "No honey, I wouldn't want to tell anyone," "Okay good because I'll be embarrassed," He told her.

Next, they checked in online for Monaco as he was looking forward to travel Internationally. "I'm feeling hella embarrassed especially when my mom had to go to Monaco with us," "Jamal it's all good! It's part of the family trip," Michael smiled. After spending 45 minutes with the conversation, Jamal was reluctant to know about going to Monaco but mostly, he wanted to visit Paris since they wanted to go to Paris. (Man! I always wanted to go to Paris lol if The Covid pandemic had not been existed but aye were strong together). "I love to go to Paris with you Jamal, when your family is planning to take you there. I'd love to!" "Okay great! Well I'll text mom to buy tickets to go to Paris,"

*Time skip because I'm lazy haha. I got back from the dentist and I am feeling numb nowadays*

"I had a great date with you Jamal," Michael Malone smiles. "I hope I get to move in with you once we finished taking one step at a time with our relationship before we jump in to engagement and marriage," Just as Jamal would always think Michael can give anything he wants, he told him that he didn't have to do so much. Jamal knew he would be fine with basic things and prefers not to indulge himself with flashy stuff like designer clothes etc. Although, going on a cruise would be much more fun.

Author's note: Hey everyone! How is everyone doing? Just a PSA: I have been very busy and I came back from the 3 day vacation last month so now I'm back to updating. Although, there are some times that I may have busy schedules (I know summer is coming to an end) but don't you worry, I'm not in a rush so we all have to be patient ❤️❤️. Thank you everyone and hope you have a wonderful rest of the week- Jessica

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