Chapter Twenty Four

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Jamal Murray POV: Attending the game with Myla and Maisy.

Myla- 3

Maisy- 2

Jamal Murray- 8 months and 38 weeks pregnant

Denver, Colorado

"Mommy, Daddy," Myla and Maisy started waking their parents up. "Oh hi there girls," Michael opens his eyes. "Are we going to the mall today daddy? Why is mommy sleeping?" Maisy asked. "Mommy's tired, do you want me to wake him up?" "Sure," She replied to her father. "Mommy, wake up. Wake up Mommy! Wake up!" Jamal slowly opens his eyes to see Maisy waking him up. "Hi Maisy-Poo," He stretches his arms out. Note: Jamal was wearing a light purple Cosette Lace Trim Silk Nightgown while sleeping beside Michael and their two kids. Since the two kids will be staying with Jamal's parents at their hometown in Kitchener.

Michael Malone: sorry about our babies.

Jamal Murray: that's okay babe.

Michael Malone: By the way isn't it special when Mother's Day is coming up?

Jamal Murray: how so? Every year when it's Mother's Day, you always come to my hometown in Kitchener while me, my mom and my grandma were there with Myla and Maisy

Michael Malone: yep and even Sylvia's mom helped you out during the birth of our baby. You were in so much pain that I had to help you out.

Jamal Murray: I know that. Giving birth is painful. Myla was the first one that I gave birth to and then Maisy, she was a bit heavier than her big sister

Michael Malone: That makes sense, so what are you going to do?

Jamal Murray: I was thinking, can I try to do an unassisted birth?

Michael Malone: are you sure you can do that? I mean you need a midwife or something.

Jamal Murray: Babe, I'm fine without a midwife. Besides, I did a research about planning for a home birth without the birth attendant.

Michael Malone: if you're comfortable with the unassisted childbirth, go for it.

Jamal Murray: besides, if I decided not to do the unassisted birth, I'll ask my dad and grandma to come over to our house to help me with the baby.

Maisy: Daddy what does mommy want?

Michael Malone: nothing baby, you know your mommy is very strong.

Maisy: Okay.

Myla: Mommy Mommy, let's go to the mall.

Jamal Murray: maybe later Mylie-Poo. Let's go back to sleep first.

Myla: Okay Mommy.

In every mornings,

Michael would go downstairs to cook for his family in which he would usually do that in a daily basis especially when Jamal was there with him and their two kids. Somehow, his father's side of the family had been questioning about how Jamal was linked with his own head coach, became pregnant and have two kids. Now they were expecting a third child. In those times, Jamal had the maternity photo shoots such as him being pregnant with Myla, Maisy and now the other baby girl coming on the way. Although, the fans can hardly wait for their baby to be born. Ever since Jamal became a mother, the fans were always happy and excited. Plus, receiving the excitement on his Direct Message.

Fan: Yassss! Mama. I can hardly wait to see the baby.

Fan 2: when is the baby going to be born?

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