Chapter Thirty Four

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Jamal's POV: Staying home with my husband.

Myla- 6

Maisy- 4

Jacob- 2

Jamal Murray- 8 months and 38 weeks pregnant

Denver, Colorado

The kids were in bed as he and his husband Michael Malone were in bed together. "You smell like a perfume babe," Jamal said laughing. "Thank you my beautiful wife and you look so sexy in your lingerie," He chuckled. "Especially when you're eight months pregnant. Don't give birth yet," "No not yet," He said laughing. "Besides, we still have a lot of time to think before the baby comes out. However, Myla, Maisy and Jacob will be staying at my parents' house," Jamal was dressed up in a dark red bra and underwear while snuggling up to his husband. (Note: his baby bump was very big.)

Michael was lucky to have married someone who was younger than him. "Do you remember when I first met you?" "Yeah! That was after the NBA draft in 2016, but somehow you decided to plan on dating me and wanting me to have a baby with you," Jamal replied. "Not only that, I became pregnant," "Yep and when you went in labor with our first baby, I knew I had to help you,"

Michael Malone's POV:

I enjoyed the company with my wife and he's 38 weeks pregnant with our fourth baby. Man! I should've been there when he was in high school so that me and him can start a family together. Although, I always dreamed of being a father to his babies and he became a mother. Of course! We were featured in the maternity photo shoot and man! My Jamal looked so stunning and beautiful in his lingerie during his pregnancy with Myla, Maisy, Jacob and then our fourth child. I could picture the baby growing in his womb moving around and playing.

Jamal giggles when Michael plants a kiss on the baby bump. "Gosh! I love you so much Jamal and I am so lucky that I chose you to be my wife. Not only a wife, but being a mother to our babies," In fact, they were attending their friend's birthdays, weddings and other occasions during Jamal's pregnancy. Michael placed the caption and said: out and about with my wife and kids. Although, he was having so much fun when he started a family on his own. Perhaps, they were photographed together along with their kids Myla, Maisy and Jacob.

Note: Myla and Maisy are not babies anymore since they turned 6 and 4 years old. Yet, Jacob is two years old.

"So as I mentioned before babe, I was-," "Mommy," Jacob wakes up to see his parents having a conversation. "I almost forgot, Jacob is here," Jamal was unaware that Jacob ended up sleeping in their room since he could barely use the crib. "Jacob, I didn't know you're here in mommy and daddy's room," He added. "Come here Jakey poo," Jacob was giggling at the fact that his mother plays around with him. Not only that giggling when he saw the unborn baby moving around on Jamal's belly. "I see that you're watching the baby move around in mommy's belly," On a daily basis, Michael Malone would come home from the game, hugging his wife and kids and mostly placing his hand on Jamal's baby bump even with the belly button poking out. In fact, there were no stretch marks since he put the lotion on a daily basis.

Although, he remembers the time when Michael Malone started dating him and after three weeks of getting to know each other, Jamal became pregnant and began to have a family on their own.

Jamal Murray: the lady asked me: why did I get pregnant in the first place? Of course, we had some nights where we would fool around and there were times I may have forgotten to take the birth control pill just to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but I got pregnant anyway.

Michael Malone: Oh wow.

Jamal Murray: In fact, I loved being a mother to our babies. They always roam around in my womb.

Michael Malone: of course and you would always have the great opportunity to be a mother.

Jamal Murray: yep and that's the reason why I became a mother.

Being an athlete and a mother were very challenging for Jamal since he enjoyed his time with the kids. Plus, watching their little bundles growing up. Yet, Michael took a picture of Jamal placing his both hands on his own baby bump while Jacob was sitting down playing with his mother along with his two sisters Myla and Maisy.

Michael's caption: Can hardly wait to meet our little bundle 👶🏻💕.

Yet, Michael would plan to make the most out of the day before the kids were picked up by Jamal's parents to stay in Kitchener to help prepare for the birth of their child. Whether or not, he would act as a midwife to Jamal to help him with the baby. Perhaps, it will help him cope with the pain of birthing a baby. However, Jamal would have to rely on the baby's position in his womb and the baby's weight on how heavy it would be at birth. Well he has seen a lot of births in the movies and other shows. Michael reassures that everything will be alright.

Michael Malone's POV: Comforting my pregnant wife.

When it comes to having a baby and experiencing the pain that my Jamal had to go through just to give birth to a baby, I knew I had to remain in composure knowing that he was going to be a mother. Just so you know, he's been going through the stages of labor during his pregnancy with Myla, Maisy and Jacob. Sure thing he's a great wife and a mother to my babies.

"You'll be alright my honey love," Michael said kissing him on the forehead. "I know babe," He sighed. "I had no idea how painful it was when I was pregnant with our Myla," "I know, but that being said, we'll go through this together," He adjusted the strap of Jamal's bra, staring romantically at his heart shaped necklace and caressing his baby bump. Jacob snuggles on her mother's chest.

Jamal Murray: you know babe? You can be my birth partner

Michael Malone: Of course. You've chosen me to be your birth partner when you had Myla, Maisy and Jacob.

Jacob: Mommy daddy? Why are you still awake?

Jamal Murray: Oh sorry baby, Mommy and daddy couldn't sleep.

Even Myla and Maisy were in their room.

Michael Malone: let's watch a movie together.

~ Living room ~

"Maisy Poo, you have school tomorrow," Michael said. "Daddy, I don't have school tomorrow," Myla replied. "I want mommy to pick me up when I go to school," "I know but your mommy Jamal is going to give birth," "Babe it's okay, I can walk her to school," Jamal tells him.

Myla: Mommy, I don't have school today.

Jamal Murray: Oh right! She doesn't have school. Her school starts next week.

Maisy: Mommy, can we stay with you?

Jamal Murray: of course, you can stay with mommy.

2 hours later,

Jamal and the three kids were asleep as Michael takes Myla to bed then comes back with Maisy. Jamal wakes up to take Jacob with him to their room and placed him in the bassinet before cuddling with his husband. "Babe I can't sleep," "Why? What's wrong honey love?" He asked. "Our baby kept kicking in my womb," He answered. Michael talks to Jamal's baby bump.

Michael Malone: baby, be nice to mommy okay? Don't give him a hard time.

But that didn't stop the baby from kicking.

Jamal Murray: I don't know what's going on? I think our baby's getting upset.

Michael Malone: I know, try to sleep it off honey love.

He nodded and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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