Chapter Twenty One

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Jamal Murray and Michael Malone Baby no. 3
- Master bedroom -

Michael Malone wakes up and heads downstairs to get something to eat when he saw the note that says: I have a surprise for you. Open the small box. Michael opens the box that says: You have been a great father to my kids, not just for the kids, but a wonderful head coach of the Denver Nuggets. When he opened the second box, it had the positive pregnancy test and the 3 week gestation ultrasound inside it. He was unaware that Jamal is pregnant again with a third baby.

"Wait! You're kidding right honey love?" Michael gasped. "Yes babe, I'm pregnant," Jamal hugs his fiancé knowing that he and Michael were expecting another baby. Even the 3 week ultrasound was shown on the photo. Myla and Maisy went to their room and asked. "Does that mean Myla and I are going to be a big sister?" "Yes little girls you will be a big sister," The family of four were excited as Michael Malone made an announcement that they will be adding another addition to a family member

Michael Malone's POV:

Jamal and I are so excited to share that we are adding another addition to a family member. My Jamal is pregnant with a baby no.3 and oh a double celebration, I am also thrilled knowing that I'm going to marry my longtime girlfriend who became a mother to my kids.

{ Murray Malone Baby coming May 2021 👶🏻👣 }

"Did you hear, Myla and Maisy? Your mommy is having another baby," Michael said placing his hand on Jamal's belly. "I can hardly wait for both of us to get married," In fact, Jamal was the one who would always comfort Michael when he was stressed out after being ejected from the basketball court. However, Michael could feel the sense of comfort and relaxation coming from Jamal and was feeling relaxed afterwards.

~ Jamal Murray and Michael Malone Wedding 💍~
Jamal Murray- 4 months pregnant

Queens, New York City,

The baby bump was protruding from Jamal's dress as he was set to marry the love of his life: Michael Malone. Perhaps, Michael will have a 4th month pregnant bride coming to the Aisle. Jamal puts on the white satin wedding dress and the veil where he was set to marry the love of his life. Myla and Maisy were the flower girls when a friend of Michael Malone was the first one to officiate the wedding. In fact, Jamal will be known as Jamal Murray-Malone since he is going to marry Michael. Plus, his family and teammates were invited to the wedding.

When they were at the ceremony, Michael would describe Jamal in one word that he was the most important person in his life. Being an athlete, girlfriend and a mother to his two kids, it mattered to him the most and not only that, the wedding guests were excited knowing that Jamal was pregnant with another baby. In fact, everyone was thrilled knowing that they have the little angel coming on the way. After the wedding vows, Michael's friend said. "You may kiss the bride!" Jamal and Michael had shared the kiss together.

Side note: Jamal and Michael Malone will not be doing the honeymoon since Myla and Maisy are there in the house and they will head back home to Denver. In the meantime, Jamal will be the ones to watch his husband on the bench while sitting alongside Myla, Maisy and his teammates.

~ After the wedding ~

They went home to Denver as Myla and Maisy were in the room bonding with their parents. Michael placed his hand on Jamal's growing baby bump. "That's your baby sibling growing inside your mommy's belly," the two girls were giggling.

Myla: are we going to have another sister?

Jamal Murray: I hope we get a sister.

Maisy: what if it's a brother Mommy? I know I always wanted to have a baby brother.

Jamal Murray: we can make that happen.

Michael Malone: Our girls always want a brother right?

Jamal Murray: I thought we would have another baby girl

Michael Malone: Oh.

Jamal Murray: you know what? We can make a brother for Myla and Maisy.

Michael Malone: Okay.

Jamal's POV: Night cuddles with my husband

Michael removes Jamal's clothes that showcased him wearing a purple bra and underwear. He was happy to have Jamal as his wife because he loved him so deeply that he would never let him go. Even when he was a controlling partner to him, he would always tell him how sorry he was.

Michael Malone: sorry for everything that I've done to make you feel worthless because I knew that you were a mother to our babies. All I wanted was to be your husband that's all.

Jamal Murray: babe you're still my husband. You were there with me when I went through 8-9 hours of labor just to bring our little angels to the world and you were telling me that everything will be alright.

Michael Malone: oh yeah, you were screaming so much when you went through the process of birthing our babies. You made me happy honey love, that's what I love about you.

Jamal Murray: I know but you never let me go to the hospital to have our little Myla and Maisy.

Michael Malone: it's because I wanted you to have a home birth, so that you can feel comfortable having a baby at home.

Jamal Murray: then why can't you let me go to the hospital to have our babies? I just don't understand why?

Michael Malone: I know honey love, I promise you. We can go to the hospital to have a baby. It's just that I don't want you to have any complications.

Jamal Murray: right? With big baby and our little babies weighing at 8 and 9 pounds. I could birth a ten pound baby even though I'm 6'4" and I can still be pregnant with a big baby.

Michael Malone: of course and that's how strong and selfless my Jamal is 😘. Don't be upset now honey love, just get some sleep. Also, you're lucky that your grandmother (Sylvia's mom) was a midwife. Somehow, you had to push three times to get the baby to come out.

Jamal Murray: Oh my! That was the hardest part 😆😵

Michael Malone: yep that's why you were holding the back of your legs to push the baby out of your body.

Jamal Murray: yep and that's when I felt the head coming out and I was like: Oh sh- it burns!

Michael Malone: I know but you were very brave.

Somehow, Michael was stressed out due to the fact that he was ejected from the game and Jamal knew something was up.

Michael Malone: I felt so bad that I ended up putting the blame on you

Jamal Murray: babe you're not blaming me for being ejected. I was shocked when this happened, so I had to follow you instead. When I had Myla and Maisy, I saw the smile on your face.

Michael Malone: yep. *Man! What did I do to deserve a loving wife like you? I can't believe I married the young athlete that became my wife and a mother to my two kids and now being pregnant with a third baby growing in his womb*

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