Chapter Thirteen

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*Gender Reveal*
Jamal Murray- 7 months pregnant
Denver, Colorado

They were at their home where Jamal, Michael and Myla were celebrating the gender reveal. Yet, one of Michael Malone's siblings had come over along with the parents to hand out the gifts for the gender reveal. Michael's father came to see Myla. "Hi there Myla, how are you?" "I'm doing great grandpa," She said giggling. "I heard that you have so much fun with your mommy Jamal. He's the best mom ever," Brendan Malone goes to Jamal and Myla as they were ponding together.

Michael Malone: hey dad.

Brendan Malone: hi Son. I heard that Jamal is your girlfriend.

Michael Malone: he's all mine dad. He is my girlfriend and a mother to my baby.

Brendan Malone: you never told me that I have a granddaughter.

Michael laughs. "Of course you already have and you have another grandchild coming on the way," He said. "Awesome! Are you guys going to have a boy or a girl?" "Only way to find out dad," Michael replied.

When Jamal brought the cake that has the boy or girl, they sliced the cake in half and it revealed the pink icing. They were excited that they're having another baby girl. Thus, Myla will be having a baby sister. Everyone in the family were thrilled that they're having a girl.

{ Michael Malone POV: Night routine with Myla and Jamal }

Jamal Murray- 8 months and 36 weeks pregnant
Denver, Colorado

Michael sits behind Jamal while Myla is snuggling next to her mother. "Mommy," She goes to him. He chuckles seeing Myla bonding with her mother. In fact, he would shower them with love and affection as they were having a great journey together as parents despite of the age gap. Especially their 2 year old daughter Myla and the other baby girl on the way, they are going to be together as a family member.

Michael Malone: you like the idea of having siblings Mylie Poo?

Myla: Yes daddy, I want to play with someone.

Michael Malone: yep that's why I wanted to play with them too and oh for your mommy's next baby, do you want a brother?

Myla: Yay!

Jamal Murray: I think I'll make that happen eventually after our second baby girl babe.

Michael Malone: Okay.

Jamal Murray: but I'm thinking Michael Porter Jr or my brother could be the surrogate.

Michael Malone: oh okay.

Jamal Murray: yet, me and Lamar could be pregnant at the same time.

Michael Malone: you sure about that?

Jamal Murray: I've never been so sure. Besides, Lamar always dreamed about becoming a mother, but I was like: Oh my goodness! Lamar, your body is not fully developed yet for the pregnancy.

Michael Malone: oh ok.

Jamal Murray: Oh and Myla, if you get another baby sister, it's okay right?

Myla: Yep.

With the Maternity photo shoots Jamal did, Michael Malone will always be in the spot for the photos including Jamal's pregnancy with Myla and then the second baby since, he and Michael were both expecting a second baby and it's a girl. Somehow, they were both happy together. Even the fans had acknowledged a happy family. However, he wanted to marry Jamal, so that he can enjoy his life with him and children. (My reader mentioned it to me that Jamal is a wonderful mom to kids. On the other stories, I made Michael Porter Jr be a mom.)

Jamal Murray: if me and my brother get pregnant at the same time, then it will be something that we would do

Michael Malone: oh okay, but does he have a boyfriend?

Jamal Murray: yes he does, my mom told me.

Michael Malone: Oh okay.

Jamal Murray: but I'm shocked because what if someone from his class gets him pregnant.

Michael Malone: Don't worry, I'm sure you, me and Myla will help him.

Myla: Daddy, can I play with mommy too?

Michael Malone: sure baby girl, you can play with mommy, but I need to fix your mommy's hair first.

Jamal Murray: Babe, does it look like my hair is a mess?

Michael Malone: no but you know our little Myla would always play with it.

Jamal Murray: it's okay, Myla can play with my hair. Come here my little Myla.

Michael Malone: Man! I love my girls 😘

Myla: we love you too daddy! 🥰🥰

Michael Malone POV:

Well what do I know? Jamal will always be my girlfriend no matter what and guess what? I am going to marry him eventually because he means so much to me. I mean, I want to marry him right now. Not only that, he's a mother to my 2 year old daughter and we have another one coming on the way and it's a girl. So I'm thinking can I marry him? Let me know what you think

Author's note:

Should Michael Malone marry Jamal? Let me know what you think- Jessica.

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