Chapter Twenty Six

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~ Baby Jacob's first bath ~

Denver, Colorado

It started with Jacob crying loudly as Roger and Sylvia were giving him the first bath. (while Jamal is still resting after the birth of his third baby. "I know, you're almost done and you'll be able to return to your mommy," Lamar was on the side eating yogurt while Myla and Maisy were on the couch watching TV.

"There you are! Good as new," Sylvia dressed Baby Jacob up in a nappy and light blue beanie. She returned the baby boy back to his mother. "You're safe in your mommy's arms," "You're fine Mommy has you," Jamal whispered soothing the baby in his voice. He starts singing a lullaby in Arabic in which it made baby Jacob fall asleep. Next, Myla and Maisy came by at the room and said. "Mommy daddy," Jamal placed his finger at the front of his nose. "Myla, Maisy, not too loud, but meet your baby brother," Myla and Maisy were excited about their new baby sibling.

Roger Murray: How are you feeling?

Jamal Murray: I'm alright dad.

Roger Murray: that's good. You must be tired after the toughest parts of childbirth huh?

Jamal Murray: yes dad.

Roger Murray: I see, do you want me to hold baby Jacob for you.

Jamal Murray: sure.

He handed Baby Jacob to Roger and yet, Roger smiled at the fact that he has a grandson. "He looks so much like his Papa Michael," His father asked Michael to get some rest. Yet, Jamal would explain to his father that when he had Myla, he tend to get scared of giving birth.

Jamal Murray: Dad, I was scared of giving birth because I thought it didn't hurt.

Roger Murray: I know baby, but you were very strong. You and Lamar will always be my babies, so were my grandchildren.

Jamal Murray: Thanks dad.

Myla and Maisy bonded with their baby brother and of course, Jacob looked so much like his father. Next, Roger placed the dirty towels and bedsheets in the laundry where they were covered in blood, sweat and fluids due to the fact that Jamal had to go through the hardest part of childbirth. It was a shocker to Lamar because he always witness his older brother going through 8-9 hours of labor just to give birth to a baby.

Lamar Murray: How are you holding up big brother?

Jamal Murray: been okay, tired because I birthed a big baby.

Lamar Murray: My goodness! I can tell.

Jamal Murray: I believe he weighed at 9 pounds and 17 ounces.

Lamar Murray: Oh my! I wasn't expecting that.

Jamal Murray: neither do I.

Jamal explains about how Jacob may have been a big baby. The last time Jamal had eaten few days before he went in labor with baby Jacob was that he was at IHOP and other places to eat where he would be eating a lot of food. Sylvia suspected Jamal had a very strong appetite since his pregnancy with Myla, Maisy and Jacob. "If I remember correctly, I had 4 pancakes, mashed potatoes and crepes. Also for lunch I had gyros, falafel and Basmati rice that mom cooked. For dinner I had Asparagus, bread and even orange chicken from Panda Express. Not to mention, I even ate bread and pumpkin pie that Mamma (Sylvia's mom- Grandmother.) made. Even donuts and ice cream as well,"

Lamar Murray: oh wow.

Jamal Murray: I feel like a total embarrassment when it comes to big babies because of my strong appetite.

Lamar Murray: I understand. I would be like that too if I were to be in your position, that is why I was scared of getting pregnant.

Jamal Murray: yep.

Lamar Murray: So I used the contraceptives that my Obstetrician prescribed me to protect myself from getting pregnant.

After having conversations with Lamar, Jamal was resting with the baby in his arms and then Michael Malone takes his time to bond with him. In fact, Michael was letting the teammates in the Denver Nuggets know that Jamal is doing alright, he must've been feeling extremely tired after the hardest birth that he went through and will be sidelined for more Than 3 months or so since their baby weighed at nine pounds.

~ 1 Week Later ~

Jamal wakes up to hear the baby crying in the crib as he runs to the baby room and checked on the baby's temperature. "Babe, come over here!" He called him. "What's wrong Honey love?" "Baby Jacob's having a high temperature and croup," Jamal panics. "Oh my goodness! Let's take him to the hospital," Roger came in the house and noticed something was wrong with Jacob, so Jamal and Michael Malone had to take the baby to the hospital while Myla and Maisy remained with Roger, Sylvia and Lamar.

"Help! Baby Jacob's crying," The nurse who was an aunt herself told them. "Don't worry, we'll take him to the emergency room," Jamal was crying in tears. "Babe, I can't lose our baby," Michael felt like crying as well. "I know honey love, I know," The doctor came to them and told them that Jacob was having a high fever and croup since he caught the flu, but his team were doing the best he can to make sure that Jacob is taken care of.

After being observed, he was given antibiotics and medicine to get rid of the infection, but still he would be crying as he was being injected with the medicine. "I know Jakey, I know," He called him. "Don't worry, Mommy and daddy will make sure that you're doing alright and be taken care of,"

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