• thirty-eight •

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a/n: there is a definitely a reference to Harry at coachella in here somewhere. something about how he does certain things fast.... btw my policeman trailer today wtf????

     I had woken up in a panic, my breathing heavy as I looked around the room

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I had woken up in a panic, my breathing heavy as I looked around the room.  There was a fear of some sort instilled in me, a fear that I felt like I had never felt and I didn't know why I was feeling the way that I was.  Harry wasn't in the bed beside me, and while I wasn't scared without him in the room, I just felt like I needed to find him to feel better.  I couldn't get the overwhelming sense of dread out of my being, so I made sure to get up, walking into the bathroom first.  He wasn't there, and even the extra space where the toilet was had been opened so I knew that wasn't where he was either.  I quickly made my way through the house, finally managing to spot him in the kitchen. 


He was cooking at the stove, glancing over his shoulder briefly but then did a double take.  I had never seen anyone stop what they were doing so quickly, Harry shutting the stove off and moving the pan away from the heat.  He set it on a different burner before he walked over to me, his arms wrapping around me almost immediately.  I didn't realize until now that I was this anxious, my body still shaking in his arms.  His injured hand shifted to the back of my head while he held me, his lips pressing to the top of my head.

"Hey, hey," he said quietly.  "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know."

"I'm right here," he said quietly, holding me against him tightly as he hushed me.  "Did you have a bad dream?"

"I-I don't know.  I just woke up and was anxious."

He picked me up and set me on the counter, Harry cupping my cheeks and looking over me twice.  It never ceased to make me blush, and I had no idea why he was being so touchy with me, but I was incredibly thankful considering it was the only way I knew how to handle anything when I was freaking out.  But, in the time we had spent together I was sure he had picked up on it as well.  After all, for a man who hated touch he certainly had started to be overly touchy with me recently.  Harry brushed his thumbs under my eyes, shaking his head as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry you're so anxious.  You want some water or something? Maybe a shot?"

It made me laugh.  He quickly got me a glass of water, allowing me to drink most of it while he stood in between my legs.  I felt a little bit better, but I had no idea why I had woken up in such a panic.  He let me hold him for a while, his face snuggling into the crook of my neck as my head rested on his shoulder.  I smiled when he pulled me into him more, my arms wrapped around him easily.  It took a while for me to fully feel better, but even then he was attentive, going back to cooking breakfast in front of me and turning around to check on me every few minutes.

I liked watching him cook, and while he was shirtless, I could see his muscles moving in a way that I normally could not.  The way his shoulder blades shifted, muscles along his middle back tensing here and there as he continued to make breakfast.  Of course, I was pretty sure I had never really stared at anyone's back before, but his had quickly become my favorite in just under ten minutes, Harry grabbing a plate and dishing out an omelet.  I took the plate, Harry grabbing a fork for me.

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