"Thank you for listening to Dawn FM, dead or alive every morning at 7am."
Set in 1987, Maggie Holmes is hired as a temp placement at Dawn FM for the summer. She gets to know the radio personalities, some more than others. One of the hosts, H...
a/n: over an hour late today, i was desperately trying to find someone to get me the Pleasing beach tote, why lie .. also follow me on twt @/nikeystyles to see sneak peeks <3
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I woke up to light shining on my face. Rubbing my eyes, I was incredibly confused, jumping up when I realized I was in an unfamiliar bed. My breathing increased almost immediately, and I found myself glancing around hurriedly, though as I looked around the room it was vaguely familiar. There were photos on the dresser of what looked like a younger Harry and his mother, a sigh leaving my lips when I realized where I was. Izabelle was in the bed beside me, the cat meowing softly as she sleepily stared at me.
"Hi," I murmured, petting Izabelle.
Izabelle moved to sit on my lap, and I was kind of surprised that she was so interested in touch. After all, most female cats didn't like it much, but I knew that boy cats liked touch a lot. However, it was different here. That, or Izabelle just really liked me. I sat in bed petting Izabelle for what was probably ten minutes before I had to use the bathroom. Getting out of bed, I found myself very confused for a second when I opened the door, trying to understand which hallway I was in. Though, it soon became apparent when I realized he had placed me in one of the bedrooms off his wing of the house, leaving me to quickly use the bathroom.
After I used the bathroom, I walked to his bedroom, pushing the door open. The other door to his closet was broken now, and I raised an eyebrow, wondering how he could be so angry at something. Brushing it off, I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, quickly going to brush my teeth. However, I noticed a tissue on the counter that looked like it had traces of dried up blood, my eyes narrowing on it as I brushed my teeth. It seemed weird, but when I glanced in the trash I saw a bunch of broken glass so I wondered if he had hurt himself again.
After I threw the tissue out and finished brushing my teeth, I headed out to the kitchen. Harry was definitely cooking, the savory smell prominent as I walked through the living room to the kitchen. It was even more apparent when I entered his navy blue kitchen. The curly-haired personality was wearing only a black pair of boxers, my eyes focused on his tattoos. They always looked so striking against his sun kissed skin, and for a brief moment I continued to stare before I opened the fridge.
"Good morning."
"Mm," I hummed.
Continuing to stare into the fridge, a part of me wanted a glass of orange juice and then some of the freshly picked strawberries, but there was another part of me that didn't want to eat at all. I felt kind of sick, honestly, my eyes not even near glancing in his direction. Though, after plenty of standing in front of the fridge and debating, I just shut it, looking at the things clipped to the fridge as if they were super interesting. He had a couple magnetic letters, a grocery list, as well as a picture of Izabelle hanging up. I always thought it was weird how sentimental he seemed to be when he could usually brush stuff off so easily, but I blamed it on the fact that he had lost his mother and probably didn't want to take anything for granted.