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(A/N: I think this is the first written chapter with Y/n that isn't in first person)

"Yangyang you're such a wimp." Renjun teased when the younger flinched at the jump scare. There was nine of them all huddled up on couches watching a horror movie together. Renjun and Y/n having come over to the WayV dorm to have a sleepover with those seven.

"How was I not supposed to jump!" Yangyang yelled, not understanding how he was the only one getting called out when more than half of them flinched.

Renjun only giggled, cuddling up farther into Y/N on the couch.

Hendery was laughing at the two, only being distraction by the soft tug on his sleeve. He turned to the side, Xiaojun looking at his with big eyes.

"Junnie wittle, scawed." He whispered, lip trembling. Hendery panicked, he's dealt with little Dejun on multiple occasions, but he's never slipped in front of the others as far as he knows.

"Okay, baby... wanna go to your room then? We can cuddle instead." The caregiver suggested, rubbing Xiaojun's arm with his thumb softly.

The little nodded, clinging onto Hendery's sleeve. "Baba come too." He whispered again, pointing a finger at the male on the opposite side of Hendery.

"Yeah, I'll tell Baba."

Hendery then turned to Yangyang, poking the younger in the arm. "What?" He asked, an annoyed look on his face(not for Hendery but for Renjun).

"Dejun slipped, the movie was too scary for him. He wants us to go cuddle in his room so make an excuse quick." Hendery smiled as he whispered, pecking Yangyang's lips before standing up, hand interlocked with Dejun's.

"Umm, I'm tired, so is Hendery and Dejun... we're going to bed." Yangyang announced standing up with his boyfriends, cheeks red from the small kiss he was given.

"Yeah yeah, make sure to use protection." Y/n teased, basically sitting in Kun's lap, completely ignoring the other male curled up and clinging to him. Yangyang knew he could tell Dejun had slipped, he was giving the little a soft look. Kun probably knew too, meaning really only four of them were unaware of what was really happening.

Hendery grabbed Yangyang's hand with his free one, dragging both his boyfriends to Dejun's room.

"Junnie, baby how old are you feeling?" Yangyang asked when the door was shut, the little whining and climbing into the bed.

Junnie grabbed both his caregivers hands, pulling them into the bed with him. "M, no know." He whine again, tears welling up in his eyes.

"That's okay baby. Do you need a nap, or do you want to do swim thing?" Hendery wrapped his arms around both his boyfriends, pulling them closer.

Dejun didn't answer, just curled up against the other two, closing his eyes with a content sigh.

Yangyang smiled down at the little, eyes big as he looked back up as Hendery. "I'm in love." He whispered softly, lifting his hand and running his fingers through Dejun's  hair.

"I can tell." Hendery chuckled, placing a hand on the back of Yangyang's head and bringing him closer to kiss his forehead. "I'm also in love." Even Junnie smiled, listening through his half asleep state.

"I'm sleeping too, wanna join?" Yangyang told the older, taking his own turn in pressing a kiss to the older's lips. "Junnie's warm, he's making me sleepy."


thought this was cute
what do you guys think?

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