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We get to Mrs. Moores class and she tells us to read while she goes to the principles office.

"So a little birdie and an idiot told me you wanted to talk?" He says.

"Yeah, *sigh*Eddie, Sweetheart, darling" I say. "Are you breaking up with me? What about the kids?" He asks in his high pitched voice, putting the back of his hand to his forehead and sinking in his chair.

I laugh. "No you goof, I'm saying me and Steve are not a thing, I know you sent the boys over to interrogate me and Steve but you have nothing to worry about, I don't like Steve" I say.

"Pfft- I know that, obviously, I'm not stupid" he says. "Uh huh sure" I say.

"I'm still your favorite right?" He asks. "Of course, don't tell Dustin" I say. He smiles. "Can you teach me how to make those paper rings?" He asks.

I nod. We spend all of class talking and making paper rings. Eddie was humming a song. He gets really into it towards the end. He looks at me. "How much of that did you hear?" He asks. "Enough" I say smiling. "Sorry" he says.

"Don't be, you're too cute" I say. "I'm not cute" he says. "You are"

"Am not" "are to" "am not" "are to"

"Am not" I say. "Are to" he says. He soon realizes.  "You are the worst person" he says I laugh. "You love me" I say. He shakes his head.

Soon school ends and Eddie drives me home.

I get in and get a phone call. I answer. "Hello?"

"Hey sorry it's me, I'm gonna pick you up around 7 if that's ok?" It was Eddie.

"Yeah that's fine" I say. "Cool, see you later sweetheart" he says hanging up.

I put my phone down and bury my face into my pillow, I have never been more excited for anything.

I hear a small knock, hm that's weird. I look through the window and see Nancy holding a bag.

I open the door. "Hey Nance what's up?" I ask. "Well Mike told me you have a date tonight and he said you were probably freaking out so I can over to help" she says.

"Oh thank you so much" I say.

"Ok I brought some clothes that don't fit me but are still cute, and some black boots since they go with them" she says.

"Ok, bring it on Wheeler"i say.

She helps me get ready and we listen to some music, some songs she didn't exactly like.

"Ok I have this red lipstick that will make your whole look come together" she says.

"Ok... and here is a mirror" she says.

I look at myself. "You look amazing!" She says. "I really do, thank you so much, oh wait do you have any-"

"I brought some foundation to cover up the number tattoo, don't worry, we don't need you getting sent away again" she says.

I smile. "Thank you" I say. She nods and puts the foundation on my wrist. "Also Mike was wondering if he could babysit the dog for you?" She asks. "Yeah go ahead" I say.

"Oh and here are some earrings" she says. "Thanks" I say.

There was a knock. "I'll get it" she says. I put the earrings in and she opens the door. "You aren't y/n" it was Eddie.

"No I am not, sadly, y/n your date is here" she says.

I finish the earrings and go to the door. "Thanks Nance" I say. I look and see Eddie wearing a band t-shirt and a tie.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now