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I hear as Steve and Dustin argue. "You just can't admit you're wrong you butthead" Steve says. I jump down from behind them. "I concur" I say.

"You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead" I say. "Jesus we thought you were a goner" Dustin says hugging me.

I hug him back. They give me my drinks and food. I tell them about what happened.

"I did the thing I do now appearantly, I ran" I say smiling, taking a drink.

Nancy starts questioning me about the event. She asked about the time it happened. "9:27" she reads off my broken watch.

"The time our flashlights went kablooey" Robin says. "That surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick" Nancy says. "Well we know how he attacks" Robin says. "And where he attacks from" Lucas says.

"So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside Down and drive a stake through his heart." Max says.

"Is he a vampire?" Steve asks. "It was a metaphor" Max says crossing her arms.

"A bullet should work right?" I ask. "We should chop his head off" Lucas says.

"All of the above, but we can't do any of that, until we find a way into the Upside Down." Nancy says.

"We need to find Y/n" Lucas says. "No, we need El to get her powers back" Max says.

"Everything was way easier, we had Y/n and this other girl with superpowers-"

"Yeah, superpowers, you mentioned her" I say. I see Dustin walking around, frantically.

"Hey, Henderson not cursed, is he?" I ask. "Cursed? No. Mental? Absolutely" Steve says. "Boom!" Dustin yells.

He points to Steve. "Bada..bada..boom" he says "I was right" He says.

"Skull rock was North." He says. I look at him confused. "Really? Yes this is Skull Rock, yout totally wrong, right now" Steve says

"Yes and no, this worked correctly when we left Wheelers. Correct when we got in the car on Curly, but it started to slip thw further east we went. Now it's way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was" he says holding the compass up.

"You're using faulty equipment, your still wrong" Steve looks at him like he was insane.

"Except it isn't faulty, Lucas you remember what can affect a compass?" He asks. "An electromagnetic field" Lucas says.

"Sorry, I must've skipped that class" Robin says.

"In the presence of a strong electromagnetic field, the needle will turn towards that power. So either there is some super big magnet around here or..."

"There's a gate" Lucas finishes.

"But we are no where near the lab" Nancy says. "But what if somehow, there is another gate? It'd have to be smaller, less powerful" Dustin asks.

"How? Why?" Steve asks. "No idea, all I know is that something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we have seen anything like it, it was a gate, meaning, we get closer to Vecna and closer to finding Y/n, boom they save the world again and we live happily ever after" Dustin says.

"We would need El too" Max says. "You would think so my redheaded friend, but have they not both single-handedly and together save the world I think Y/n has a chance. We just need to make sure they have music and a way to get in and out" he  say.

"Dustin they are-"

"Don't say dead Nancy, they made a fucking promise, I know them, they survived once and what's with a few vines around the legs?" He asks.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now