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I wake up to police sirens.

I go through the woods and see police at Eddies house. I didn't want them to think I did it.

I go through the woods and just wander around.

Someone grabs me and turns me around. It was Beth, Ryan, and some of their other friends.

"Well isn't it Eddie Munsons  freak pet, what are you doing here? Your boyfriend dump you for something prettier like a shoebox?" Beth asks laughing.

I just turn and walk away. One of them turns me around and punches me in the face. "That is for Ryan" they says.

I try to get up but they all start kicking and punching me. One of them grabbed a stick and started trying to stab me with it.

I couldn't take it anymore. I use my powers and throw one of them at a tree. They hit it and fall to the floor.

"The fuck was that?" Beth asks. "Did you do that?" Ryan asks. I just start punching.

Beth was just standing there. "Beth?" Ryan grunts. Her eyes were white.

I stand there in shock. Ryan shakes her.

He couldn't wake her up.

She starts floating in mid-air. Ryan back away.

I stand there in shock I didn't even notice one of the people go behind me.

They start strangling me. "Let her go!" They say. I shake my head. "I.. cant" I manage to get out. Beth's limbs all start breaking and her eyes go into her head and her jaw breaks.

She looked like.. Chrissy. Oh shit I just accused... FUCK!.

The guy let's me go. I try to back away but he slams me against a tree and starts beating me senseless. He cut me a few times in the stomach. I throw him with my powers he got knocked out, my hands were all bloody and my face was all in disarray.

Ryan looked at me and started apologizing. I tilt my head causing his arm to break.

I grab my bag and start running. My knee goes backward. I scream in pain.  I pop it back in place.

I hold my knee and rest.

A few hours pass and I got an idea

I tear off the sleeve from my shirt and tie it around my eyes.

I needed to find Eddie, or someone at least, I left my walkie at home. I concentrate and I look around.

I see Dustin, Robin, Steve and Max.

"We can't find Y/n, they left their walkie and I know Eddie was with them" Dustin says in a panic. "Their probably at the store" Steve shrugs.

"No no you don't understand they left their pocket knife and their walkie, they don't leave either one of then, they can be fucking dead Steve" Dustin says.

"So are you saying Eddie killed them both?" Steve asks. "No, it's just im scared for them, they barely can survive on their own and now both Eddie and Y/n are missing and Chrissy is dead" Dustin says.

"We find Eddie first" Max says. "What? Why?" Steve asks. "He probably knows where they are, I saw him chase after y/n into the woods, they were screaming for help, maybe he knows where they are" she says.

Dustin sighs and goes onto a computer.

I take the blindfold off and sigh. "Shit" I say.

I go to a near by river and wash my hands in there.

Night rolls around and I check in on Dustin again..

I concentrate and they were at a random house.

I look at the address and figure out where it was. I stop and grab my things and start heading that way.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now