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We get to the Wheelers house and Nancy and her mom were packing things up. "Hey sweetie, did you want to donate all your stuffed animals?" Karen asks.

"Oh yeah, thanks mom" Nancy says taking the box from her. We hear a car, we all turn and see a Surfer boys Pizza van pull up.

"Did someone order pizza?" Karen asks. The door opens and El, Mike, Will, and Johnathan come out.

They all run and hug all of us. I smile as I bring Will into a bear hug.

"Where is y/n?" El asks. My smile drops. Steve looks at me remorseful.

I tear up. "They uh.." I choke up. I cover my mouth. El looks confused. "They what?" She asks worried.

Will and Mike look at each other. Will tears up and covers his mouth. Mike side hugs him. El shakes her head. "No.." she says.

"You are lying, Dustin" she says. I shake my head. A tear falls down her cheek. Will pulls her into a hug.

Steve puts his arm around me and I cry into his shoulder. He sniffles and holds me close to him. I soon calm down and everyone helps with boxes.

They had to hide El so they had to go back and clean up Hoppers old house.

Steve took me and Robin to the school where they had set up a donation place for people in need.

I helped bring in boxes and stuff and looked at the board. It had tons of missing posters most of them being kids from my school.

I see Jason's poster. Eddies poster, and y/ns poster were vandalized.

'Cult leaders!"

Their faces were scribbled out. I let out a huff out of anger. "Excuse me" a man says. I step aside and see Eddies uncle.

"Maurice, right?" I say. He was taking off y/n and Eddies poster. "Yes that would be me" he says.

"Sorry- I'm Dustin, I'm friends with y/n and Eddie" I say. "Right, Eddie talks a lot of you" he says shaking my hand.

"I assumed y/n would have been with Eddie, they were inseperable, pretty much the same person" he chuckles.

He hangs up new fresh posters. "Why do you hang up y/ns poster? I never knew you two were close" I say.

"Oh, I know the kid doesn't have much family and their a good kid, I just want to make sure their safe" he says giving me a soft smile.

I take a deep breath and try to not cry. He notices my expression. "Is everything alright?" He asks.

"I was with y/n.." I say. My lip quivers. "Where did they go?"

"They uh, they passed away" I say looking at the ceiling to stop myself from crying. His face drops.

He sits on a bench. I limp over and sit with him. "I'm so sorry for your loss" he says. "It's fine.. it just doesn't seem real" I say. He sighs. "Where are you and Eddie living, since your house isn't a house anymore?" I ask.

"Some sort of cabin Eddie showed me" he says. "He found y/ns Walkman, he is back there crying, I just want my nephew back, my little boy, not have him be labeled a murderer, he wouldn't do that, I hope and pray his name get cleared" he says. "I do too" I say.

"I was gonna give y/n this, I had a duplicate and I saw how big their smile was when they saw it.." he says pulling out a polaroid from his pocket.

It had a toddler with a teddy bear in it. "Who is this?" I ask. "That would be Eddie and his teddy bear he named Bat" he says.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now