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Dustin holds y/n. "No no no no, Y/n y/n come on!" He yells. He shakes them a bit. Y/n gives him a weak smile. "No." Dustin whispers.

"I'm fine, just a small scrape is all" they say. They spit up blood and Dustin gasps. "Come on we gotta get you to the hospital" he says.

Y/n stops him and shakes their head. "No.. no" they says. Their lip quivering. "It was you wasn't it?" He asks. A tear rolls down y/ns cheek.

Dustin starts sobbing. "No no, hey don't cry, I always come back, I'm not gonna leave you" they say.

I hold their hand. "Come on, we gotta get you through the hole." I say.

"Just leave me here" they say. "No!" Me and Dustin say. Dustin just hugs them and sobs. "Hey it's ok, hey hey, remember a few years ago, when you introduced me to chocolate pudding?" Y/n asks laughing quietly.

Dustin smiles. "That was the first words you said to me.."

"You got me hooked on it" they say. They reach for their pocket and pull out the ring that Dustin gave them. "No, you need that" he says. "I don't want to ruin it.. keep it safe" they say handing it to him. He sobs.

Their breathing slows. "No no, y/n stay with us" I yell. "We gotta stage to walk y/n, I'm not gonna do it alone!" I yell. They cup my cheek. "Walk that stage for me, ok?" They say. I shake my head. "Promise me, Eddie Munson, that you are gonna walk that fucking stage" they say with tears pouring out.

"I can't.." I say. "Eddie" they say sternly. "I'm gonna walk that stage.. I'll flip Principal Higgins off for you" I say. They smile at me. "Good, take care of Dustin, will ya?" They say. "You can do that yourself, come on" Dustin sobs.

"I love you, Henderson" they say. "I love you too Munson" they say. I cover my mouth, choking back sobs.

They look beside them. "Billy?" They whisper. There was nothing beside them. "No no Billy's not there, don't do this to me!" Dustin yells. Y/n starts to close their eyes.

"No no no" I say. I pat their face a bit, trying to get them to stay up. "Y/n!" Dustin says shaking them. Their chest rises and they stop breathing. Their eyes were closed.

"No!" Dustin sobs. I stare as the color leaves their face. A bat burst through the air vent. "Shit!" I say stabbing at it.

I grab the shield and press it against the vent. Closing it off.

"Is there any other vents?" Dustin trembles. "Shit-" I say. I go to my room.and the bats flew through the vent. I quickly close the door.

"Dustin. We gotta go!" I yell. "No! Not without them!" He yells. "Come on man! I'll grab them, you just go!" I say.

He looks back at y/n and puts his hand on their cheek. "I'm so sorry" he says to them. He puts their lifeless body on the floor.

We hear the bats. "Go!" I yell. He climbs up the rope. I look at y/n and back at Dustin. "Come on!" He yells.

I look at the door and y/n. I couldn't just leave them there... wait, I got it.

I cut the rope. "Eddie! What are you doing?" Dustin yells. "I'm buying more time!" I say.

I walk over to y/n. "I'm so sorry.." I say kissing their forehead. I wipe my eyes and run outside hearing Dustin scream after me.

I grab the bike and start riding away. I crash the bike and start running.

Wait.. I can't run away again.. I can't do it.. I look back at the bats and prepare myself. I had nothing to lose.

I held my shield and the bats started running at me. I let out a war cry. I had to make these bastards pay.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora