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Eddie wakes me up. "Y/n! Y/n!" He yells. I hum. "Wake up we have to be at school in T-minus 10 minutes!" He yells. We both get up and get ready. He tosses me a band shirt and some shorts. We quickly get dressed and get in his van.

We were both anxious about not making it.

We walk into school, we had to go to some stupid pep rally, which was a total snooze fest.

I was walking with Dustin, Mike and Lucas to class and Lucas wanted to move Hellfire.

"Y/n, talk to Eddie about it, convince him to move it!" Lucas says.

"Are you insane? No!" I say. Lucas and Dustin argue back and forth until we get to our classes.

I get to the lunch room and I grab my food and Steve walks up to me.

"We need to talk, Robin is having an issue and she wants to talk to you personally" he says.

"Oh no what happened?" I ask. "Just come on" he says. I feel an arm around me and a kiss on my cheek. "Hey sunshine.come on, there is still a seat left" Eddie says.

"I'm sorry sweetie I'm sitting with Steve today" I say.

He looked upset. "Oh, ok, yeah no problem, see you later" he says kissing my cheek again.

I walk with Steve to his table. "Ok so there is the person right? I'm having issues figuring out if she- I mean the person likes me" She says.

"It's a she?" I ask. "What? Pfft- no.. no" she says.

"Robin it's fine, girls are hot, I get it" I say. "Oh thank God. Anyways Vickie, I need to know if she is.. you know?" She says.

"Vickie? Oh totally dude, if she doesn't I would be surpised" I say.

I look and see Eddie staring at me. He looked upset, like an angry upset.

Eddies pov

"Eddie, quit staring at them nothing is going to happen" Gareth says. "He is trying to steal them from me" i say.

The whole table sighs. "Jesus christ just tell them you love them already" Gareth says.

"No, they probably like steve" I say. "Are you fucking kidding me? Eddie have you not seen the way they look at you and the fact you guys are kissing each other now?" Jeff asks.

"You're right, you are so right, I'm gonna walk up to y/n...." I say standing up and walking down the aisle.

"I'm gonna look them in the face and say 'y/n Winston-"

"Yeah?" Y/n says from behind me I jump. They laugh. "What's up I heard my name" they say.

"Oh no, not you a different y/n" I say.

Gareth face palms. "Is that so? Well I was actually talking to this other guy, Eddie Munson,a different Eddie by the way, and I was gonna invite him to the woods where its nice, quiet, and where we can be alone" they say, slowly putting their arms around my neck

"I was actually thinking you should go to his house say around 8?" I ask putting my hands around their waist.

"I will definitely be there" they say.

I look at them confused. "Wait is there actually a new guy?" I ask. Gareth and the others groan.

"You really think there is another guy?" They ask. "Well I need to know who I need to kill to have you to myself" I say.

"You are such a goof, Eddie, is there anymore room for me?" They ask.

"There is always room for you sunshine" I say. I grab their hand and lead them to our table, I had saved them a seat next to me.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now