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We all huddle under Skull rock as we watch the bats fly off. I held onto y/ns hand.

Soon the bats leave. "Ok, that was close" Robin says. We all come out and look around. Steve leaned against a rock. "Shit.." he groaned.

"Steve?" Nancy says. "I'm fine.." he winces. "No your not fine here, sit down" she says. She helps him out.

Robin was freaking out. She went on and on about rabies. "Ok I don't think wozziness is a symptom of rabies but if you wanna punch me, just tell me and we can end your suffering" she says.

"Robin?" Steve says. She looks at him. "I kinda wanna punch you" he grunts. She laughs. "Sense of humor is still intact. That's a good sign" she says.

Nancy rips some cloth and helps Steve. Robin walks over to me and y/n and hugs y/n. "I don't think Steve is gonna last" she says.

"If he goes insane can I be the one to take him out?" Y/n asks. "That would save me some heartbreak" Robin says.

"This is the place you were stuck in for a year?" I ask y/n.

"Surely wasn't this shitty and didn't have bats, it had the flower demon things but.. no bats" they say.

"How's your wound? You feel nauseous, angry. Tired?" Robin asks.

"I'm tired but that's about it" y/n sighs. We all look around a bit, I stayed by y/n.

"Hey, Robin, watch them for a sec?" I say. I climb up a rock and look at the wooded area. The lighting lit the whole place up, I felt like I was in one of those horror movies where a vampire just comes out and eats you.

I shiver at the thought, it made me more conscious of my surroundings.

"So, uh, this place is like Hawkins but with monsters and shit?" I ask turning around.

"Pretty much" y/n says. "Watch out for the vines" they say.

"It's all a hive mind"

"A what?" I question looking at the vines, they slithered around the rock. "All the creepy crawlies around here, you step on one, youre stepping on a bat, youre stepping on Vecna" Steve says.

I nod. "Shit" I say watching my step as I hop off the rock. "So everything is still here. Except people?" Robin asks. "As far as I understand it yes" Nancy says.

"So, theoretically, we could go to a police station, and steal guns, grenades, and all the shit we need to blow up the bats things?" She asks

"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD had Grenades, Robin" Steve says.

"We don't have to go all the way downtown for guns, I have guns, in my bedroom" Nancy states.

"You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" I ask. "Full of surprises isn't she?" Robin asks.

"Yeah, I don't go to her room anymore because of it" y/n says. I raise an eyebrow. "Long story" they say.

"I have a Russian Makarov and a revolver" she says. "You almost shot me with that one" Steve says.

"You almost deserved it" she says back. I take my vest off and throw it at Steve. "For your modesty dude" i say.

He nods and the floor shakes. Y/n falls over and I catch her.

We look at each other before Robin crashes on both of us. The floor stops shaking and Y/n pats robins back.

We hear some sort of noise out in the distance. Y/n and Robin sit up. "So guns seem like a great idea to me" I say.

"Me too" y/n and Robin agree. Steve and Nancy start walking off. We all stand up and walk with them.

We continue to walk through the woods and Robin starts complaining. "Couldn't we have tried a road, or something a little less creepy?" She asks.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now