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A week had passed and most people had left Hawkins, I mean who could blame them? Half the town turned to ash.

Some did stay but the town was pretty much a ghost town, my mom had fallen into a depression, she was still hyper but it wasnt the same.

Dozens of empty wine bottles on the kitchen counter. I stayed in my room most of the time, I couldn't bare to see my mom like this.

Some people dropped by to check on me, inviting me out to the woods and stuff. I didn't want to go. Even stepping foot into the woods made my whole body shiver with guilt.

I couldn't look at myself. I wasn't proud of it but I tried smoking a cigarette. It tasted awful and it was absolutely disgusting.

I felt disappointed, my body craved it but I decided against it. I knew y/n would've been disappointed, they would've given me a lecture on the whole deal.

My mind was flooded with the unfinished conversations we had, I like to imagine they were still here and pretty much have conversations with that figment of my imagination.

I was going insane I know it wasn't good but it was how I coped.

I didn't want to drink or smoke or do any harm to myself. What I'm doing wasn't the most healthy, but it helped.

I kept having nightmares about y/n.

All I could feel was guilt, I let them die. I should've just dragged then through the hole with me.

I have been listening to a lot of heavy metal, it's the only thing that reminded me of them.

It was 3am and I was trying to stay up to prevent myself from falling asleep.

My eyes flutter shut and I relax, giving in to it.

I wake up and everything was dark. I rub my eyes and look around. My room seemed.. different.

I hear rustling. I look in the corner of my room and see someone lying on the floor. I recognized the rings. "Y/n..." I say.

I could only see their hand. I slowly walk over to them. Their body was blue, they were staring off.

I fall to my knees. "Oh y/n.." I say covering my mouth.

I couldn't look at it. I go to my door. "Dustin.." y/n mumbles.

"Y/n? Y/n I'm here! Oh my god your alive! Oh my god" I say. "You left me" they say.

I feel my heart drop. "What?.." I say. "You left me, Dustin" They say, their voice echoing.

"No.." I say. I try backing away but they grab my leg. I scream and try to kick them off. "You killed me!" They yell crawling towards me.

Different creatures start whispering my name. "Dustin.." they say, progressively getting louder.

"DUSTIN!" Steve yells shaking me. I wake up in a cold sweat. He goes to say something but I cut him off and hug him tightly.

"I killed them.." I sob. "What?" He asks. "I killed them. I killed y/n" I say.

"Hey hey, no you didn't, you had no control over their death, don't do this to yourself" he says. Eddie barges into the room. "Everything ok?" He asks catching his breath.

"Just a nightmare" Steve says. "Ok buddy, here I got you some pudding" Eddie says handing me some chocolate pudding.

I tear up again. "Oh shit- take it away" Steve says. Eddie was confused but soon caught on. "Oh right- I'll get you some chips or something" he says.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now