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We get to Pennhurst, me and Robin were struggling to walk in the heels.

"Wait what is my fake name?" I ask.

"Bethann" Nancy says. "You guys chose the worst name" I say.

Robin held my hand so she wouldn't fall over. "I can't breathe in this thing, and I'm itching all over" she grunts.

Nancy sighs. "It's not all about comfort. Ok, we are academics" she says.

"Who are evidently coming from an Easter brunch" Robin says. "Also, this bra that you gave me is really pinching my boobs" she adds

"Yeah, what is the deal with the rabbit necklace? And who the hell is John?" I ask. The necklace had 'love, John' on the back. "Okay. Could you just let me do the talking? If that is even possible? John is my late grandfather" Nancy says.

"It's not only possible it's inevitable. Becuase shortly ill be dead from strangulation" Robin says.

We get in and walk down the halls. "This place reeks of butterscotch and expired pills" I whisper. "How do you know what expired pills smell like?" Robin whispers back.

"You will know if you hang around me enough." I say. Nancy inhales sharply. "Ok, can you guys try to be professional?" She asks.

Me and Robin shake our heads. "No" we both say. "Just- don't embarrass me" she says.

We knock on the office door and open it.

"Welcome ladies.. have a seat please." Professer Hatch says. We all sit down. Me and Robin try to sit the way Nancy was.

He looks at our papers.

"3.9 GPAs, all of you" he says looking at us. "Impressive" he says closing the binder.

"And this is a recommendation from Professor Brantley" Nancy say handing him some more papers. I fix the collar to the shirt.

Me and Robin silently struggled to breathe, both very upset Nancy isn't struggling as well.

"I know Larry. Quite well, actually" he says. We all look at each other nervously.

"Eh, you know what they say. Those who can't do, teach" he says. We all chuckle nervously.

"Uh, yes, yes, that's actually why we are here" Nancy says.

"I mean, we can only learn so much in a classroom" she says "and I am sympathetic to your struggle, truly" the man says.

"But there is a protocol to visiting a patient like Victor, you have to put in a request, and then undergo a screening process, at which point the board will make a decision" he says

We all just sit there, not happy we didn't plan all this through.

"But I am more than happy to give you a tour. Perhaps you can even speak to some patients in our low-swcurity wing." He says looking at all of us.

"And we'd.. we would love that" Nancy says looking at me and Robin.

"It's just that um.." Nancy starts off. "our thesis is due next month" I say

"And you are out of time" Hatch says. I  just look at him. "Whose fault is that?" He asks sternly. I open my mouth to speak but just close it in defeat.

"Ours, absolutely, and I do apologize"

"Don't apologize,Ruth. Screw that." Robin interupts Nancy. "The fact is, we did put in a request months ago and we were denied. And then we reapplied and were denied again, coming here was our last ditch effort to save our thesis. And I really.... I can't breathe in this thing" she says eyeing Nancy, fixing her collar.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora