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Y/n pov

I wake up to Eddies arms around me. He was snoring in my ear. I try getting out of his grasp but he just pulled back.

I squirm around ,trying to free myself.

He groans and turns over, bringing me with him. I yelp as he slams me next to him. I sigh. "Eddie.." I whisper.

Nothing. I shake him slightly. "Eddie, darling" I say. He just snores. "You know if we were in an zombie apocalypse we would be dead right now from how loud you are" I say.

He turns over more to where he is on top of me. "You are one clingy motherfucker you know that?" I say.

I look at my clock.


"You're lucky we aren't late" I say
running my hand through his hair. He buries his head in the crook of my neck. "How are you not awake?" I ask.

"How many conversations am I gonna have with you until you answer so I don't look insane?" I ask.

He doesn't answer. I just close my eyes and try to sleep. He snores loudly. I sigh and flip him over. His grip loosens. I break out of it and go to the bathroom, I do my buisness and go to the sink to brush my teeth. I hear the floor creak and I feel arms wrap around my waist and Eddies head on my shoulder.

"Why did you leave me?" He asks in a raspy voice. "I had to pee" I say. "Ok fair point but you could've come back" he says.

"You are extremely clingy you know that Munson?" I ask.

"Haha yeah I am" he says kissing my shoulder. "I sometimes worry about you" I say spitting the toothpaste into the sink.

"Dont" he says grabbing me a towel.

I wipe my mouth. He lifts me up, I squeal and laugh. He chuckles as he throws me on the bed. "And now we stay here all day" he says holding me. "You are a wonder, Munson, you really are" I say.

He chuckles. "You love me" he says.
"In your dreams" i say. "Yes, but also in your dream" he says smiling.

I smile and laugh. "Alright lets go, I'm taking you home" I say. "Why?" He asks.

"Unless you want to go to school wearing a shirt that's too small for you I suggest you let me walk you home" I say taking my shirt off and putting a tank top on. "I don't think the school would allow that" he says.

I put his jacket on. "That's what this is for" I say. "Smart" he says.

I smile at him and we make our way to his house.

A few days had passed, it was a Saturday and I realized I had left my rings at Eddies.

I call but he didn't answer, I try again but no answer. Something was off but I couldn't tell what. I get dressed and make my way to his house. I see Dustin at his front door. "Henderson?" I ask. "Oh hey what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I left my rings here, and Eddie didn't answer his phone so I came to check on him." I say.

He knocks on the door. "Who is it?" Wayne asks. "Sorry- it's me, Dustin, I'm friends with Eddie, I'm also here with y/n, another one of Eddies friends, is he here?" Dustin says.

The door opens and his uncle stood there, he looked tired. "The kid ran off yesterday, said he was staying with a friend, try that Gareth kid, also tell Eddie to come home" he says.

"We will.. thanks Wayne" I say. "No problem sweetie" he says giving a soft smile.

"Come on, Gareths house is pretty far, hop on" Dustin says getting on his bike. "Haven't been on this thing in years" I say hoping on the back of his bike. I hold onto him as he pedals to Gareths house. We get there and see a whole band set up in the garage.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now