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I wake up to Eddie snoring. I groan and sit up, tearing his arms off me. I get up and get dressed. I hear Eddie clear his throat.

I trun around and see him, staring. "You know there is a thing called not being a creep" I say. "Hm, I should really look into that" he says. "Yeah, yeah, can you hand me my shoes?" I ask. He looks around and hands me them.

I put them on. "I gotta go to the video store if you wanna come" I say lighting a cigarette. "I can't, I gotta go home, drop by I'll give you your rings" he says.

"Ok, bye bye!" I say. "Bye bye!" He says kissing my cheek as he leaves. I grab my Walkman and head on out. I walk around town and find my way to the video store. I see Steve flirting with a girl and Robin asleep at the counter. I ring the bell.

"Robinnn" I say. "Robinnnn" I say louder. She hums. "I came to return this" I say putting the Ghostbusters movie on the counter.

"Excuse me, y/n, I need to attend to this beautiful customer" Steve says.

Robin looked grossed out. I move out of the way and get behind the counter with Robin. Steve helps the girl. "Well uh, Mary, have a wonderful day, call me if things don't work out with Matt" he says handing her a piece of paper.

She looked at him confused. "Ok? Have a good day" she says walking off.

Steve turns around. "Ok, what it wrong with me, it's like I'm a woman repellant"he says.

"Well first, don't go after woman who have boyfriends" I say. "And second lose the cologne" Robin says.

"What's wrong with the cologne?" He asks. "Hold on, come here" I say. He makes his way over to me. "I don't smell anything" I say. "It's on my neck" he says. "What are you, 50? Lean down you fucking weirdo" I say.

He leans over and I smell his neck.

I back away. "No no no, get that off right now" I say coughing. "Great, you killed them" Robin says patting my back.

"I don't get it, both of you walk into a room and everyone is all over you" he says. "I have what two woman who want to go to the school pep rally with me?" He says.

I cross my arms. "What?" He says. "Oh no two woman are on me, they are both beautiful and sexy, my gold stick is too long and my throne is to stiff" I say, mimicking Steve.

He just looks at me. "At least you have someone you have Eddie" he says. "Yeah but we aren't together, maybe, and I might be pushing it here for little Stevey but try being friendly, not flirty" I say.

"But you are flirty" he says. "Yeah but it works for me" I say. A woman walks in. "Mm, try her, she is hot" Robin says. Steve walks over to her.

"Hi there, my name is Steve Harrington, need any help?" He asks. "Um yeah, I'm having girls night with a few of my friends, have any romantic movies?" She asks, checking him out. Me and Robin look at each other in shock.

"Oh uh, yeah, follow me" he says, he looks at us. We give him a thumbs up.

Me and Robin sit down. "5 bucks says he fucks up" I say. "I'll bet you 10" she says. "You are on, Buckley" I say we shake on it.

"So how many girl friends are coming over to your place?" Steve asks. "I'd say about 5" she says.

"Well if you ladies are looking for more fun how about you come by my place and we can hang around" he says.

I suppress a laugh. Robin face palms. The girl looked uncomfortable. "Um, well would you look at that, I'm running late, see ya" she says walking out of the store. Me and Robin laugh.

In Your Dreams Munson (An Eddie Munson x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now