Chapter 30

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Lily POV

I sympathetically look at Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, and Sato who all failed their practical as they dejectedly stand there, looking half dead. "E-Everyone, I'm looking forward to hearing all your stories of h-h-how camp was." Mina screams as she breaks into tears, which she had been trying her best to hold.

I walk towards Mina and gently rub her back. "Don't say that, Mina." I soothingly say, trying to make her feel better. 

Izuku looks towards the four of them nervously as he joins me in trying to bring their spirits back up. "Maybe they'll end up letting you go! There might be a last-minute twist or something." Izuku adds, trying to calm Mina down and make the other flunkers feel better. 

I look over at Izuku and nod in agreement. If I have learned anything from being at UA, it's that they love surprises. Mina, Kaminari, Sato. and Kirishima all failed their practical exam. That means that they just need more practice, which just gives all the more reason for them to go to the training camp also. I just know there's no way they aren't going to the summer camp too since we're going there to train our quirks. It's only rational. All this is is just Mr. Aizawa trying to make them sweat a little. I look over and see Sero, who had been next to Izuku the whole time, suddenly put his hand on his shoulder as if to halt the boy. "Stop, Midoriya. By saying that out loud, you're just jinxing them." He says, causing Mina to increase her outflow of tears even more.

I look at him and lightly glare, not believing that he actually said that. Is he trying to make them cry? "If you are going to say things like that, then you can leave." I growl, causing him to put both his hands up in defense.

I watch as the plain-looking boy looks down at me and nervously chuckles. "I-I didn't mean anything by it, Lily. I'm just saying." He retorts back before taking a step away from us.

I look towards him and sigh as the four students who failed their exams became even more dejected. Ugh. I can't believe he said that. "They said that whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell. We didn't pass the practical so we're doomed!!!!!!" Kaminari screams. "Don't you get it, Midoriya!!! Or did All Might knock all the brains out of you!!!" He screams as he pokes Izuku's eyes with his middle finger and index finger. 

Sero looks toward them with a leveled expression as Izuku screams in pain in the background. "Ease up, Kaminari. I'm not sure if I'll get to go either. Our team only passed thanks to Mineta. I got knocked out and since we don't know how they're scoring stuff, I might've flunked." He comments.

I look towards him and nod in agreement, knowing what he said could be true. He got knocked out pretty early into their exam by Midnight so that could definitely be a possibility. Kaminari was not listening to any of Sero's comments though as he and the others were still in tears. "At least bring us back lots of camp souvenirs, please!!!!" Kaminari screams at us.

Though, that was the end of the discussion as Mr. Aizawa suddenly entered the classroom, swinging the door open and beginning class. "Once the bell rings, you should be in your seats." He says as the class practically teleported to their assigned seats. I look towards the front as Mr. Aizawa stands in front of his desk, ready to begin class. I look towards the four who failed their practical to see them still sporting dead looks and shadows over the top of their faces. Although Mina, Sato, Kirishima, and Kaminari don't think they'll be going to the training camp, I think they still will be able to get to go. Mr. Aizawa is known to pull rational deceptions to force us to work harder so I think this is one of those times.  Plus, Mr. Aizawa is a softie, no matter how many times he denies it. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams so when it comes to the training camp in the woods, everyone is going." He finishes with his signature creepy smile on his face. 

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