The Heroes: The Movie Part 3

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After the robotic voice ended her report, everyone, save for me, began to take out their phones. I knew it would not work since their security measures also block cellular signals and telecommunications. I-Island's security is on par with the Tartarus Prison, which had the utmost pleasure of viewing when bringing in the worst of the worst criminals. Note the sarcasm when I say pleasure. There's no way I-Island hasn't got some form of security blocking our phones' signals or radio waves. "I'm not getting any signal. Looks like my service is completely blocked." Shoto comments before putting his phone back in his pocket.

I turn towards him and frown, having known it would be futile since the beginning. "I-Island's security measures are on the same level as Tartarus prison. None of our phones are going to work." I explain.

Mineta looks toward me, petrified as if I were trying to play some sick joke on him. "A-Are you serious?" He screeches in fear.

I look towards him and nod before turning towards Jiro as she continues to push the button for the elevator. "The elevator is not working either." She comments in shock.

"What the heck is going on here!?!?!" Mineta screams at her.

I look over at Melissa as she rubs her chin with her thumb and index finger in thought. "It's strange that the system would go on high alert. That's not the protocol for whenever explosives are discovered." She mutters in thought.

I walk over to my classmates and Melissa in slight surprise. "How strange." I comment, causing everyone to turn toward me. I look down and quietly sigh, trying to collect all of my thoughts and what I know so far. If there are villains here, then the first thing we should do is get more heroes to help us. Since the broadcast was most likely all over the city, there's a chance that Dad and the other heroes already know also. That still does not explain the change in protocol. Could the villains be controlling the system? Whatever the case, I can't keep standing here like this. I lift my head and look toward everyone with a serious expression on my face. "We should go to that party." I say.

With Dad and all those other heroes there, Dad and I will definitely be able to come up with a plan to capture the villains quickly and efficiently. Izuku looks toward me and nods in agreement as Tenya stares at the two of us confused. "For what reason?" Tenya asks.

"Because that's the place we can find All Might right now." Izuku explains.

Ochako looks at him in shock. "Wait! All Might's in there?" She asks.

I look towards her and nod. "Yeah. Along with multiple other pro heroes." I explain.

With all those heroes down at the party, it will definitely make it easier to cover more ground and find the villains quicker than if I were to do it all by myself. Mineta looks toward us with a relieved expression at the mention of the heroes down at the party. "Oh thank goodness! We don't have anything to worry about then." He comments in a relieved tone.

I cross my arms in thought, as to mask the small worry I feel, as Izuku walks toward Melissa. I can only hope that the villains haven't gotten to them or have them captured. If they have, then that means I'll be on my own with no backup. "So, Melissa. Do you know any way we can get down there without the elevator?" He asks her.

Melissa looks at us and nods. "Yeah, sure. We can use the emergency stairs." She answers while pointing to a door that leads to them. "That will at least get us close." She comments.

I look towards her and nod. "We'll follow your lead then." I say.

As we made our way down the stairs, I made sure to keep Melissa near me and everyone else behind me just in case we ran into a villain. After going down the emergency stairs, we all ended up on the third floor, the floor above the party. As I rushed ahead of my classmates and towards the railing in the middle, I felt my breath hitch and my eyes widen as I caught sight of my Dad and all of the other pro heroes already taken hostage and all of the villains in the room. I grit my teeth. Fuck. They already got to all of them. They've all been captured. My phone's getting no service also so I can't call anyone either. That means I'm on my own now. As I stare down at my Dad's bondaged form, I look towards Jiro, whose clustered together away from the glass along with my other classmates, and motion for her to come towards me. "Use your ear jacks to listen in on the villain's conversation. I'll use my phone's flashlight to get All Might's attention." I whisper as quietly as possible.

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