One Really Long Incorrect Quote

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Shockingly Texas is the level headed one in the relationship.

Texas: Well I don't trust Gov.
California: You don't have to trust Gov. But Imma go see if he's right. I have a feeling it might be a part of the big three.
Texas: What big three?
California: The big three.
Texas: What big three?
California: Androids, aliens, and wizards.
Texas: That's not a thing.
California: That's definitely a thing.
Texas: No, it's not.
California: Every time we fight, we fight one of the three.
Texas: So who're you fighting now, Gandalf?
California: Eh- How do you know about Gandalf?
Texas: I read the Hobbit. In 1937 when it first came out.
California: So you see my point.
Texas: No, I don't. There are no wizards.
California: England-
Texas: Is a sorcerer.
California: Ha-ha! A sorcerer, is a wizard without a hat. Think about it, right? I'm right. I just-I just came up with that. It's crazy-But look that's not the point! These guys, they aren't magic, all right? They use brute force just like you-the incredibly annoying guy in front of me with the staring problem.
Texas: I'm coming with you.
California: No you're not.

(Source: Falcon and the Winter Soldier)

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