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Justin had to leave for Mexico. We woke up together, still intertwined. He threw on some clothes and I just watched him from the bed.

I was in Justin's white tee, my hair was tossled and frizzy from sweat.

The room was worst than I thought. Wine had spilled over the floor and beds. The blinds were ripped and a lamp was laying on the floor.

I looked around and Justin noticed too. "We didn't even pay for the room." He laughed. He went in his wallet to pull out a one hundred dollar bill. He slid it underneath the tv remote.

I threw on some sweats, boots and one of Justin's beanies. We left for the airport at around 11:00.

"Don't have too much fun without me Justin." I warned him as we sat in an airport café.

"Yes ma'am." He tugged at my chin and kissed me. I believed him. "Don't you worry, I'll be back soon. Then you'll come with me in LA to work on the tour."

I was going to stay in Atlanta for the rest of summer to help AnnaBelle and my dad move. Why move out of a 7 bedroom, 3 story house? I'm not sure.

"Flight 12B to Mexico." said the voice over the intercom. We made our way towards the terminal.

Justin and I put our foreheads together and looked into eachother's eyes. My heart ached and a single tear found its way down my face.

"I'm really going to miss you Justin."

He kissed me twice and wiped away the tear. "Babe I'm right here. Nothing can ever, ever replace you." He spoke softly to me. "It's only for a little while.

I heard a girl screaming "OMG IS THAT JUSTIN!?" and even saw the flash of a camera.

I kissed him hard and long so he could go. Then he walked through those doors; I felt as if I would never see him again.

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