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~ Back to Morgan's POV~

"Morgan?" A voice came from above me. "Morgan wake up."

I shot up hyperventilating. "Justin! Justin!" I looked arounf frintically.

A tanned man in a white lab coat was standing above me. I sat up and flung the blanket off of me.

"Justin, where is he?" I asked with tears filling my eyes. I was planning in hearing the worst case scenario.

"He's fine. Thanks to your motivation, the nurses didn't give up on him."

I let out a breath of relief. Justin was okay. I was okay.

"Can I see him?" I whispered.

"No. Unfortunately, his heart stopped 5 times after that. We have to keep him at rest and run a few tests."

The smile disappeared from my face.

I flashed back to the day we met. It was summer of 2011, the sun way high in the sky and I went out for a run through the city. I had my head phones in my ear and I was bobbing my head to a Drake song. I was contemplating going into starbucks. I walked up to the door my phone dropped. As I bent down, Justin slammed into me. I fell backwards and he was ontop of me. Coffee was dripping down my cheeks

"Oh shit. Are you okay?" He got up and offered me his hand. I was grabbing his hand as I looked up. Justin smiled down at me and I couldn't move. I admit, I was start struck.

I snapped out of the flashback and studdied the doctor writing on a clipboard.

"You are free to leave as long as you arent feeling dizzy, nausea or light headedness."

I nodded at him and he left the room.

Together Through The Storm (Justin Bieber Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora