chapter three

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Storm's pov

Well my day hasn't got any better, I was embarrased in business studies by my teacher Mr Jenkin's. He made me take off my glasses when he saw my eye he let me put them back on, and in social studies Mrs Franks gave me a lecture on teen drinking.

I'm going to talk to my Uncle Shaun about this before history. I feel like I'm on a merry go round going round and, I'm just spinning around every few day's. He will have to tell them the truth I suppose.

At least it's lunchtime now and, I can have an hour's peace away from the teacher's. I leave the social studies building and head to the cafe on campus to meet Lou.

" Hi Lou, how was french with Mr Doug ". I wink and she blushes. I should explain I'm teasing her because she has a crush on her french and social studies teacher Mr Doug.

These are the only lesson's we don't have together. " Haha Storm, it was fine. I know what you are thinking ". I smile and we go in to the cafe to get lunch.

Lucy's pov

Storm is a bitch but I love her, she love's teasing me about my crush on Mr Doug. I can't help it, he has brown eye's, blonde hair, he has a fit body and, god he is hot and he's only 28 year's old. I don't know if he is single but, I would like to try and find out.

" Storm, what do you want for lunch, and don't say ham sandwich ". She laugh's.She has a ham sandwich every day. " Okay, cheese sandwich please " I laugh, I grab two tuna and sweetcorn sub's, two can's of coke and two bag's of cheese and onion crisp's.

We take our lunch out to the park and sit on a picnic bench, it might be cloudy but at least it's dry. We will be alone, so I can change her bandage's and she can take of her sun glasses so I can see how bad her eye is.

 " So Storm how was social studies, after Mr Jenkin's embarrassed you in business studies. I still can't believe he did that to you " she sigh's and look's behind me in to the wood's.

" I got a lecture on teen drinking of Mrs Frank's, I need to talk to Uncle Shaun, I can't take much more, maybe it's time they knew the truth " I nod my head, it would take the pressure of her.

We are sat talking about classes and home work, and what we will do this weekend seeing as she is staying with me. She take's her glasses off, after checking to make sure we are alone.

I look at her eye, god what a mess, it's blood shot and going black. " how does it look Lou and don't lie ". I don't know what to say, I can't tell her how bad it really is I will just tell her the basic thing.

" It's not good Storm it's going black ". She sigh's, it could've be worse if i told her the whole truth, she might have gone and cut up again, that remind's me. I need to check her arm's.

I have been her friend for 4 year's, but these last 2 year's have been the hardest since her Father killed her Mother she seem's to have gone into herself.

I now carry bandage's and dressing's in my bag. " Let me see your arm's please ".  She nod's and pull's up her sleeve's, the bandage's are blood stained.

I remove them slowly ,and she flinche's. " I'm sorry Storm ". She shrug's. " It's okay ". I take the last of the bandage's off and look at her arm's, I can't quite believe it.

I'm in shock at how deep she has gone this time, she has gone deeper than normal. I can see the white tissue under the pink of her skin, god what a mess she is in.

" Storm your getting deeper hun ". She nod's. " I know, but this is the only pain I can control ". I nod, I do understand to a point but this aint gonna get any better. I do know what she mean's, but this is getting out of control, she need's help and by that I mean professional help, maybe over the weekend I can try and get her to agree to see a councilier.

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