chapter seventy three

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Armand's pov

I'm still in a state of shock, I still can't believe it I was with her the pain the heartbreak the loss and now this.

It can't be happening what the hell is going on is it a mistake is it magick.

" Dad please tell us ". I look up and see Darkarmand, Sophie and Darren, all looking at me waiting to find out why I called them in to the office what can I tell them when I'm at a loss.

" Dad is Mum alright ". I look at Darren and nod. " I'm sorry Dad, I'm going up to Mum ". Darren turn's to leave.

 " Darren, don't go up yet just wait and I will try and explain ".

I just don't know how but I will I have just found out that Storm has some sort of lump in the wall of her womb.

I have left Rowan trying to work out what it is.

As we can't die this won't kill her but it could cause all sort's of problem's.

 I just hope we can find out what it is and, get rid it before it does any damage .

" Dad just tell us, so we know ". I look at my children and think how lucky I am to have such great kid's.

 " Mum has a lump, Dr Low is trying to work out what it is ". I watch as they look at each other, Sophie come's and, hug's me with tear's in her eye's.

"Shhh Sophie, Mum will be fine ". I say though even, I'm finding it hard to believe.

 Then as I go to leave the office to find out, what is going on with Storm.

Darren collapse's holding his head he has these headache's and some are worse than other, it's all because he is becoming a mind reader.

I walk to Darren. " Darren can you hear me ". He nod's and hold's his head. " Dad I can hear Doctor Low ". I nod.

 " It's okay son just close your eye's and, concentrate on my voice and mind ".

Darren's pov

I have just collapse in Dad's office, I can hear Dr Low's voice in my head well his mind it has a slight undertone to his mind.

I can now hear Dad's mind and Dark's as well as everyone else's in the palace.

 I then hear Dad say. " Darren can you hear me ". I nod. " Dad I can hear Doctor Low ". Dad nod's.

 " It's okay son, just close your eye's and, concentrate on my voice and mind ".

I do as my Father says at first it help's but then my mind feel's like it's going to explode with all the voice's in it. " Dad, it's not helpping ".

" Darren, tell me what I am thinking ". He is trying to get me to concentrate.

 I just picked that up from his mind that was what Dad was thinking.

I think the fog is clearing the pain in my head has gone and I can see everyone's thought's.

 It's a strange feeling but it will come in handy no doubt.

Lucy's pov

I need to know what is going on with Storm, Rowan has been with her for two hour's and we are all worried all I know is she has a lump in her womb.

I knock on the door and then walk in, I see Storm lying on the bed with Rowan looking at a picture on the screen you can see this huge lump.

 " Rowan what is it ". He turn's and look's at me.

" I don't know yet Lou but, I will find out ". I nod and go and sit next to Storm and hold her hand.

 " how are you feeling ". She look's at me and, smile's. " I feel fine, I don't know what this fuss is about ".

Storm's pov

I don't understand all this fuss I feel fine but, I have a lump in my womb which I have to admit is strange seeing as I lost my son just over two week's ago.

" Rowan what is it ". He shake's his head. " I don't know yet, lie still ". I need to get up and move.

 I'm getting this Strange uncomfortable feeling I don't like it. " Rowan ". He look's at me. " What's wrong Storm ".

" I don't know, I feel like something is happening ". He scan's my stomach and then frown's.

 I wish he would tell me what's wrong with me.

I see Lou come in and she only stay's a few minute's before she goes. I get up and start to walk around.

 I feel uncomfortable and I'm getting a strange feeling.

" Storm calm down, stop pacing ". I look at Rowan. " I'm fine I need to push ". Why the hell did I say that, it's true though I do need to push.

With this thought I feel my body getting ready to do just that. " Rowan, something is ccccooommmiiinnnggg ". I scream out as I push .

I feel something. " RRRooowwaann ". He come's over and help's me to the bed. " Ggeett fffaanngg'ss pppllleeeaassee ". He leave's and shout's to fang's.

Fang's come's in and hold's my hand. " Tell me what's happening ". I open my mouth but all that come's out is a scream.

So Rowan says. " I'm not sure, but I think we are about to find out ".

Rowan's pov ( Dr Low)

I think Storm is about to have a hidden baby, it's rare but some vampire's can do it.

 I believe that Armand's Mother did it with him, well I'm sure of it as, I was there when he was born.

Yes you guessed it, I'm 350 year's old and, I have no mate I have never been blessed with a mate yet but I know she is out there waiting for me to find her.

" Storm take a deep breath and then push ". I watch as she does and then I see the head of the baby.

 " Storm push again ". She does and I have the shoulder's, I smile at her and, then she pushes again.

I'm now holding a baby girl in my arm's and, the strange thing is I feel the pull this can't be she is only a baby but she could be my mate we will see over the next ten day's.

If she my mate I will feel it more and then I have to wait six month's before she is mine. " What are you going to call her Storm ".

She smile's and so does Armand. " Yes her name is Sunrice, as she is a surprise ". We all smile.

Hope you enjoy, love you all XD

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