chapter nine

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Storm's pov

I hear an alarm go off so I move in tighter to what ever it is i'm lying on so I can turn of the beeping sound as it's getting louder.

I mange to turn it off and cuddling in closer still that when I feel something cold and smooth wrap around my waist.

It feel's nice then I suddenly feel this cold smooth object moving up and down my side. I get a sudden feeling of safety but, the more I lie here the more I realise this can't be a dream as it feel to real.

With this thought my mind decide's it doesn't want to be kept in the dark so I reluctantly open my eye's and that when i realise. I'm cuddled up in Armand's arm's.

I even have my head on his chest and my left arm is across his abs, which I might add are rock hard and smooth.

Come on Storm, get your head together and wake him up. I push on his chest and lift my head so I can look at him. " Armand wake up ". I hear him moan.

 " Mmm " His arm loosen's just enough for me to be able to slip out and sit up on the left side of his bed.

I stretch and yawn that's when I hear. " Morning Storm ". I look over at him half asleep. " Morning Armand ". I throw the cover off of me and get up and leave his room.

I head to the bathroom to get a shower and have a look at my lip. I open the door and step inside. I haven't told you about this room yet it's light blue with gold tap's on the sink and a gold shower head.

I step inside the shower and wash, I then get out and wrap a towel around me and then wipe the steam from the mirror. My lip is cut but i've had worse so it's not to bad.

I leave the bathroom and go to the bedroom and grab a pair of black jean's, and a white t-shirt. I put on my pink underwear and then my black jean's.

I go to put on my t-shirt to see blood stain's on it well I can't wear that  so I go ask Armand if he will lend me a shirt to wear today.

I leave my room and go to his again, I stand outside his door and take a deep breath before knocking on his door. I wait for him to say something.

 " Come in Storm ". I smile as I walk in I'm in my jean's and my betty boo pj top. " Hey, could I borrow a shirt please ". He nod's and point's to an open door.

 " Help yourself ". I walk into the the closet and see row upon row of clothes. I grab a white shirt and leave his empty room.

As I walk past the bathroom I shout thank you and he shout's back welcome. He must be in the shower as I can here it running. I enter the bedroom and put on the shirt it's huge but it feel's so nice againest my skin, it even has a faint scent of him.

I go down into the kitchen and put on the kettle while I wait for it to boil, I go to the fridge to find the milk. Instead I find a bottle of red liquid.

I open it to see what it is, it smell's like blood but, wait it can't be unless he's a vampire. Don't be silly Storm they don't exist, I taste it  yep it's blood.

Oh hell that mean's he is a vampire. I need to get out of here now, I grab my bag and leave his house. I can't see him not yet anyway

Armand's pov

I woke up about 4:30 this morning and found Storm in my arm's asleep, I smiled to myself and pulled her tighter before drifting back into sleep.

I'm awake again now thank's to the alarm and Storm. I don't want to wake up as she feel's so nice and warm in my arm's.

 I feel and can hold her safely here in my arm's no harm can come to her here in my arm's.

I'm up and about now, Storm has left my room. I'm not ready to get up yet as I can still feel the heat from her body on the sheet's.

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