chapter twenty six

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Darknite's pov

I killed my brother two day's ago, I felt I had no choice. I couldn't let him destroy Armand and Storm.

You may be thinking it's because of her gift's but, it's not I have grow to love Storm like a daughter I don't want to lose her because of my brother.

I know my son believe's he has already lost her because she has moved out of his room and into one of the spare room's.

 She has also not spoken to him since that morning, he feel's he has lost her.

I asked him if he had given her the poem my Father used to get my Mother and I also used to get my wife.

He noded he had used it, he believe's that was what helped her fall in love with him.

I tell him to go away and think of a  poem or something like that to try and win Storm back.

 I'm woken from my thought's by a knock on the door. " Yes, come in ".

I see Storm pop her head around the door. " Hello Dad, can I come in please ". I nod and smile.

 " Of course Storm come in ". She walk's in to my study wearing jean's and a top. " What can I do for you my daughter ".

She look's like she could cry. " Storm please tell me what's wrong ". I get up and walk around the desk and go to her.

" Dad I will stay for the ball but, then I'm going home to my Father ". What she is talking about. I can't lose my daughter not now that I have come to love her as my own.

" Storm darling please give Armand a chance, he does love you and so do I ". She look's sad and hurt.

I don't know what to think, we can't lose our saviour if she goes we will lose the gift she has to control the paranormal's.

Storm's pov

I'm in a mess I don't know what to do. I feel like I should go home to my Father and forget that I ever met Armand.

 I just don't know if I can do that, I need some help maybe I should go see Lou and see what she think's I should do.

I leave my room and head to Lou and Darren's room, I get to there room and knock on there door.

Darren answer's it. " Hi Storm, how's you ". That seem's a stupid question when I feel like my heart is in bit's.

 " Hi Darren, is Lou in there I need to speak to her ". Yes I want to know what she think's I should do about Armand.

" Yes Storm she is ". Then Lou come's to the door. " What's wrong hunny ". I look at her and then Darren.

She take's the hint and ask's Darren to go find Armand, he nod's and kisses her before leaving.

" Come in Storm ". I walk into her room and head straight to the window seat.

 " Storm tell me what is going on ". I look at her and then out the window.

 " I found Armand in the arm's of another woman okay, I know his Uncle set us both up but even so, I just don't know what to do ".

" Storm do you love him ". Do I, yes of course I still love him but, I'm not sure if I can trust him and my heart feel's like it broken.

 Maybe I should just go home. " Yes Lou I do love him but, I don't know if I can trust him ". She look's at me.

" Storm give him a chance ". I nod and kiss her on the cheek before leaving her room.

I decide to go downstair's to see Dad, I walk downstair's and then I go to Dad's study he's alway's in his study from 12 noon till 3pm.

 I knock on his door and then go in we talk he say's the same as Lou that I should give Armand another chance. I just don't know what to do. I'm so confused.

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