chapter thirty five

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Armand's pov

Storm is now two week's pregnant, we have another four week's until she is due.

 She has also had more vision's of the up and coming battle between the Dracion's and the Witches and Warlock's. I know she is hoping the battle never come's but it will.

Until she is a vampire she will not be able to control the paranormal's, so me and my Father will have to step in and try and calm the situation down.

As this is happening on the island here, yes the island is that big it's about the size of England.

Most paranormal's live her, we have a mixed raced policy, my Grandfather made this policy over a thousand year's ago to protect us all from human's, so we could live in peace.

We alway's have a battle here every so often over small thing's like land or water but, never between the Dracion's and the Witches.

 Yes they have fought with the warlock's before, I'm not looking forward to this.

 Storm has seen the battle start in seven to eight week's, she is going to have our babies around the same time.

So me and my Father are going today, to see if we can calm the situation down before it turn's to war between them.

 If you are wonder why we are getting involved, it's not just because we are the royal's.

 It's also because we have a very close link to the Dracion's, i'll let my Father explain that one to you.

You will find out why, well it's time for me to get up.

Darknite's pov

Thank's to Storm, we have see what is going to happen no doubt my son has told you we have a close connection to the Dracion's.

That is true and the reason is my sister is married to one, my sister's name is Snow.

 Her husband is the alpha of the pack, Duke and I don't see eye to eye with him.

For the sake of my sister, I try to get on with him. I hear Armand come in to the family room.

 This was the small drawing room, Storm call's it the family room. " Morning son ". He look's me in the eye's. " When do you want to go Dad ".

" We go today I need to make sure Snow is okay, I don't trust Duke ". He sigh's.

He know's I don't like Duke. " Dad, Duke would do nothing to hurt Aunt Snow and you know it, let's leave now before Storm wake's up i'll leave her a note ". I nod.

He leave's the room to write Storm a note and then we go.

Storm's pov

I wake up alone, I wonder where Armand is I throw back the cover's and stand up.

 I feel a bit giddy so I sit back down and wait for it to pass, I ring the bell beside my bed.

Sky come's in, with a smile and a piece of paper. " Morning my Lady ". I smile.

 " Morning Sky ". She then hand's me the piece of paper, before going to run my bath.

 I open the piece of paper, it's a note from Armand.

Dear babe

               I have gone with Dad to the other side of the island, we should be back by tonight.

Don't worry to much okay, I have left you some of my blood in the cool box, take your bath and ask Sky to bring it up to you.

I love you so much please look after yourself and our babies, see you soon.

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