chapter nineteen

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Armand's pov

It's been three week's since I rose from the ashes, thing's are still a little strange with Storm. I feel I have to keep an eye on her all the time.

She still isn't eating normally yet we took it slow at the start, just giving her soup to eat but still no change apart from the nightmare's.

She will wake up screaming. " No don't take him from me Dad please ". I think it's getting near time that me and Micheal had a little talk.

We need to talk about his angry problem or thing's could turn out nasty with me not that I would drink his blood. Yuck no thank's.

We are due to return to college in a couple of day's I don't think she is ready. I'm thinking a short trip away from here would do her good.

 I can't take her to malta as my Father would want us on the island and we would never have any peace.

I think I will phone my friend Shadow, he has an island of the coast of romania hidden in mist.

I should also say that Shadow is half vampire half warlock. So he is as old as me in fact we grew up together.

As I have said he has an island it's covered in mist, once you get through that you are faced with a white sandy beach and palm tree's and a beautiful white log cabin style house.

I should also say the sun alway's shine's there that's the great thing about magic you can make so many illusion's.

I decide to ring him to see if I can use his island for a couple of week's. My phone ring's twice. " Hello Armand my mate how the fate's are you ".

 I smile it's been month's since we have spoken. " Hello my friend, I'm good thank's, you ". I hear him laugh.

" I'm good except when I'm bad ". I can't help but laugh and then I look at my girl, my love, my future princess Storm sleeping.

 " Could I use your island for a couple week's, I would like to take my girl away ". I hear him choke. " What you finally have a girl, more info mate ".

I wish I hadn't said that bit now. " Yes Shadow I have a girl, her name is Storm she is beautiful and you will see her soon as she will be at the ball ".

We talk for a bit longer and I tell him all that has been happening and what she has be through.

He says the island is free until after the ball so I thank him and hang up. I have also filled my Father in with what happened with Micheal.

Then we had a row over the fact that he sent someone over from the island to come and check her out and take photo's of her.

She is the child as he put's it from the prophecy. I shout back at him in angry that I don't care if she isn't.

As it's to late to stop what has happened, he ask's what that ment and I told him we have formed an unbreakable blood bond.

As I sit here on our new three seater sofa. I feel her stir and start to wake, I think though she seem's to be fighting with something.

Storm's pov

I'm awake, or at least I think I am. I can't be sure I get up off the sofa and stretch. I wonder where Armand has gone.

I know he wwas here cause I went to sleep with my head in his lap, I will have to go look for him.

I open the lounge door and as I do I see my Father standing there looking at me, he give's me an evil grin it make's my blood run cold.

I also see a bloody knife in his hand, my first thought is to run but, where to I go.

I decide to run up the stair's, I head to the first door I see. I open it and see Lou still and motionless. I run to her no pulse she is dead.

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